Achievement 2 @adentzaddy-09 Task: Basic security on steem

in hive-172186 •  9 months ago 
Good evening steemians. Having done my introductory post, I want to elucidate on the 5 permission keys we have in steemit and their functions. When I got signed up and was given an encryption key, I was delighted by that because other normal sites have spaces for personal password. These encryption keys have made it impossible for unauthorized users to access one's account or wallet.....

Question 1

Have you retrieved your steemit keys?

Ans: Yes I have done it. I downloaded it as PDF so it would be easier for me to access it and difficult to lose it.
I also sent it to a few entrusted people to avoid problem in case I lose my phone or something

Question 2

Do you know each of these keys functions?

Ans: Of course I do, these are the functions

Master key : It is the main key that can generate all other keys hence the name "master".

Posting key : It is used for posting content on steemit and to log into your steemit account and performing some social networking functions. It can also be used for commenting, upvoting, etc.

Active key : It is basically used for activities like voting, transferring funds and managing other accounts permission and so it must be protected properly.

Owner key : Used for recovering compromised accounts and provides full control over account, including changing keys and permissions.

Memo key :For encrypting (securing) and decrypting messages, memos in transactions.

Question 3

How do you plan to save your master password?

Ans: I planned to save my master password in my Google drive and other devices so I can always access it even if I lose my phone...

Question 4

Do you know how to transfer your liquid steem token to another account?

Ans: Yes I did transfer and this is how I did it

I went to my wallet first of all and logged in with my username and posting key.

After logging in, I clicked the drop down arrow close to my steem and then choose transfer.

I then inserted the user I want to transfer to and then the amount.

I then click on okay and confirm the details before putting my active key to process it.

Below is a picture


Question 5

Do you know how to power up liquid steem?

Ans: Yes I know and I powered up mine to support the community and also become a member of #club5050.

I went to my wallet and click the drop down arrow. After clicking it, I clicked on power up, choose the amount i want to power up and did so effortlessly
Below are the pictures of how I did it


Conclusively, I'm looking forward to doing my achievement 3 task on Plagiarism anytime soon


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Thank you for completing achievement task 2. There are several things that need your attention so that verification can be carried out.

  1. Create a profile photo for your account.
  2. Attach complete pictures of each step on how to transfer, power up, and more
  3. Write down the achievement hashtags and your country's hashtags
  4. Let me know when you have completed everything

Hi @ardentzaddy-09 you have to be active for at least a month, interact with others, and write on topics of your interests, join all communities you like and We would like you to come back on the on 3rd of July and report your 1st Progress Report:

Please, don't use these points as a template - templates are so boring 🥱 - we're interested in hearing about your experience so far. You could use some of the following ideas as prompts...

  • A summary of the communities you've joined, why you've joined them, which you like the most, and why.

  • The topics you've been writing about.

  • A list of key people you've interacted with. An introduction to the people who have had the biggest impact on your experience so far (NOT an opportunity to tag whales) and the unexpected relationships that you've experienced.

  • Your most successful post - Why do you think it was successful?

  • Other observations - What have you learned and discovered that you weren't expecting to?

  • Your plan and expectations for the next month on the platform (please don't mention growing your account!)
