Introduction To Achievement3 STEEMIT ETIQUETTE (Plagiarism).//

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)
Good day to you all great creative content and article writers on steemit.

I feel happy doing my achievement3 post today which is centered on Steemit Etiquette (Plagiarism). Mentored by @akam-theresa

PLAGIARISM is the presentation of another's person or writer's work as your own. In academic, plagiarism deals or has to do with using ideas, words, information's, write up from a source without citation.


Plagiarism has serious consequences for both students and researchers, even when it is done unknowingly or by accident.

Plagiarism deals with academic dishonesty or untruthfulness. That's to say, when you present another's person academic work as your own, you are dishonest as you take credit for another's job.
It's expected that either as a student or a researcher submitting journal, the write up should be your own work.

At any time you put up an idea or write up without mentioning the source or quoting it, you are taking glory or credit for another's work.
It then does not mean that you can not use another researcher work or ideas or thought when writing.
Citing others work and building on it is a part of academic writing but it's then becomes necessary and important to differentiate between your work from another source by citing the writer.


  • As a Student, if discovered to have been involved in plagiarism, you can be penalized. You can fail your course, or even have an extension of your degree.
  • As a professional, it can ruin your reputation and can as well be sued for copyright or infringement
  • On steemit, your post can be muted for the first warning and subsequently, you may lose your account.

There are different types of Plagiarism which ranges from using one's entire work, rewriting a single paragraph or just a sentence without citation.

  1. Copy-and-pate Plagiarism;- This could also be known as direct plagiarism which is done when copying of one's work without citation or quoting the source.
  2. MOSAIC plagiarism;- This happens when one uses passages, phrases, ideas from other sources to create a work without citation.
  3. Self Plagiarism;- This involves the use of your previous work without acknowledging it.
    It's a big problem because readers of your work will expect that your work be original and new.
  4. Global Plagiarism;- This occur when you submit an entire work written by someone which also may include having a friend do a write up for you.


  • At a time you want to use an exact sentence, phrase or idea from a source, use a quotation mark.
  • When expressing an idea from a source, paraphrase it or summarise using your own words.
  • Always cite the owner in your quote.

What is Citation and how to use it?

A "citation" is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source. It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source "

In Conclusion, "I have taken time to read and understand the steemit Etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them"

Best regards

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You have done well writing the steemit Etiquette. and I encourage you to finish up all the achievement in newcomers community

Hello @asue please kindly add an example of a citation.

Thank You Ma @ngoenyi for your correction.
It's been done.


Bravo @asue, understanding and following the rules and regulations of steemit gives you a better chance of earning big,it's also attract curators to vote on your post.
keep it up

Best regards


You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Rating: 2

Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.


  • Make sure you use images belonging to you or are copyright-free images.
  • Make sure your content is 100% original, act of plagiarism is not tolerated.
  • Make sure you label your screenshots with your username with visible highlights.

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Thank you greatly @fombae Sir for your massage.

Best regards.

Hi, @asue,

Your post has been supported by @sm-shagor from the Steem Greeter Team.

Thank you for your support Sir.

Best regards.