in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 



On the first day I joined Steemit, I wanted to greet all my Steemian friends, and I wanted to introduce myself, My name is Sabarullah and my steemit account name is @bangbar. I am the third of 4 siblings, consisting of 3 boys and 1 girl. Our family is very balanced because we are only one year apart. I was born in Punteut, July 7, 1997. Currently my family and I live in Pusong Baru Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province. Talking about education, of course I have an education that is said to be not too high because I only graduated from D IV at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic.


And my hobby is Teaching because I want to be the teacher that I dreamed most about from the first I also have a hobby of traveling and I started doing this this year because I have given freedom to my parents but I only provide easy-to-reach traveling, why am I so happy with traveling because it can make us happy and now I also like reading, moreover knowledge that can make us better in the future. Because my love for reading can provide broader insights, I aspire to become a journalist in Indonesia. I hope my dreams can be achieved.



In the world of online steemit has become something global and there are very many users around the world. But I just got to know this steemit from my friend @muhajir169 myself and I still have a lot to learn from @muhajir169 and I look forward to the guidance and support from all of my steemit friends. That's all for me to introduce myself, hopefully we can become this steemit, a useful plague, that's all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for your attention. I would like to express my gratitude.

Best Regard,


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Selamat beragbung di steemit

Selamat datang dan jangan lupa untuk membaca panduan penempatan tagging agar dapat di deteksi untuk kemudian di verifikasi.. Lihat panduan di sini

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Welcome to steemit brother

Hi, @bangbar,

Your post has been supported by @hassanabid from the Steem Greeter Team.