Achievement 3: Content Etiquette by @brenda-b

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello my friends I am so happy to have gone through @cryptokannons post and am able to understand Content Etiquette which is centered on PLAGIARISM.

What is Plagiarism?

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Plagiarism has so many concept and definition it can be defined in the following way.

  • the act of stealing and passing off the work or words of another author as your own thereby taking all the accolades.
  • it means the using of an author production or work without giving credit to the source by citing it.
  • it also means to show present a new work gotten from another author's work that has been in existence before.

In conclusion, plagiarism is an act of fraud, which involves stealing someone else's work and taking the credit afterward.

What are the Different Kinds of Plagiarism?

Direct Plagiarism: is is a very grievous form of Plagiarism, in this situation the Plagiarist might have copied and pasted the work of someone else and those not cite it or put a quotation marks to it.

Accidental plagiarism this occurs when a person forgets to cite the sources from where there work was gotten or misquoting the sources, or they paraphrases a work by using the same words, of another person

This is common amongst us, it is when you copy your own work and presenting it in another place, office or as an assignment, you must ask for permission before presenting your previous work elsewhere.

Hired plagiarism this occurs when you pay someone else to write an essay or research work for you.
It includes the getting of essays from internet sites or essay-writing services. it’s a crime to hire someone else to write an assignment or research work and claim it isyour own.

How to Avoiding Plagiarism

Understand what Plagiarism means
If you know the meaning of Plagiarism then you would be educated and can avoid plagiarism.

Properly Quote and Paraphrase
You are free to use outside work because it is an important elements in academic field, but you have to use the paraphrasing or quotation to show that it is not your work..

Cite Sources properly
paraphrasing and quoting the pieces of work gotten from outside sources and also all information must be cited in your work using any citations method or a separate references list.

Check Your Work carefully for Plagiarism
It a nice idea to make use of tools to make sure that you are not using an outside sources in your work.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them."

Thanks for reading.

To the attention of

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Interesting. And plagiarism isn't limited to academic works, this etiquette should be applied to everything - from blog posts to infographics and everything in between.

It will also be interesting if creative commons is also discussed under this topic.

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