in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 


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Hello the people of steemit platform, hope you all is walking in progress, Here i present my achievement 2 post.

When we speak about security, what does that mean?
From my own point, Security is the state of being secure. And it is very important in our daily life. Well talking about basic security on steemit, its all about keys we use to operate our steemit accounts, and for us to secure them or protect them, we have be more careful and handle them with care,

Question A:: Have youretrieve all your keys on steemit?

Yes i've retrieved all my keys.
During my registration, i was given the master password and other keys that is posting key, active key, memo key and owner key. These keys where given to me by @ruggedangle who helped me with the registration and he is my mentor immediately i received it he told me to keep it secure,

Question B:: Do you know each of these key functions and restrictions?

With the help of my mentor @ruggedangel, i was able to learn and understand how each of the steemit keys works and how they function, @steemalive community has also helped me a lot to know each of this keys,
I will proceed by clarifying you on how this each of this keys works and what they are use for 👇

    This master password is the female parent of different keys. the opposite keys are received or derived from the master password. Therefore the master password needs to be guided carefully.

    The posting key normally present for our regular log in which permits me to post, comment, vote, edit, restreem,mute and comply with different account on steemit platform.

    The owner key is supposed for converting of any key of an account.

    The memo key is particularly use for encrypting and decrypting memos while transferring funds.

    The active is specifically used while tranfers is neeeded.

Question C :: How do you plan to keep your master password?👇

The Master password is a password which we used to access different passwords,
a person might probably save their passwords in an encrypted document this is accessed with a master password,
A password which is used to stable different passwords, And it needs to be guided carefully.

Question D:: Do you know how to transfer your steem token to another steem user account?

If i want to transfer steem coin to each different steem user account, i will want to visit my wallet, then log in with my active key, click on steem, then click on transfer, collectively with the username and amount to be transferred.
I will need to confirm after the user name which am sending the steem to then after that, click on OK.

The screenshot below explains it more on how to transfer your steem token to another steem user account






Question E:: Do you know how to power up your STEEM?

I can easily power up my steem via this easy procedures,
At first i will need to go to my wallet, then log in with my active key, while you are logged in click on steem,
Once you click on steem you may see power up among the alternatives that will appear, then click on power up,you may choose or select the quantity of steem you which to power up and after which you click Ok

Now i will clarify you more on the way to power up with a few screenshots 👇👇






From this task i was able to understood the basic security on steemit, and i will do my best And teach others like the new users

Special regards to ;

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Hi @chidosky , congratulations on your successful completion of your Achievement 2.

It is my pleasure to announce to you that you can proceed with Achievement 3 which is content etiquette

I also want to encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts in the newcomers community by @cyptokannon. Check here. This will place you in a position to take advantage of the helps rendered to all newcommers.

Thank you for completing this Achievement!

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Hi, @chidosky,

Your post has been supported by @inspiracion from the Steem Greeter Team.