It is very necessary for users to generate keys. you all might be wondering why is the password are so Long, with different characters on it, sometimes computer can guest short password. if your password had a different characters with numbers, hackers can't penetrate on it even the strongest supercomputer in the world can't guest it.
(1 ) MASTERWORDVATE OWER KEY. take control of every password in your steem blockchain. that is why it can be used to perform all functionality in steem from social activities to funds activities .
(2)POSTING KEYS be used in preforming social activities like posting commenting, it is also common because it doesn't require high level of security. Because it doesn't authorize any operation which can negatively impact on your asset.
(3) ACTIVE KEY is use for transfer funds and steem, also allow you to power up, those are required your active key. Your active key can be use for voting and witness.
(4)MEMO key is being used for transferring funds.