My Argument with ChatGPT. … #Wowww

in hive-172186 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Never in my wildest dreams, not in my wildest dream did I ever consider an argument with Ai. ..

As a freedom loving individual, like many of us are, I am trying to find solutions that society is faced with.

If all politics are local, we the people of #SouthAfrica are faced with a situation where our mainstream media no longer report the news but have rather become more like tabloids, reporting on gossip rather than hold power to account.

We are faced with with load shedding, instead of reporting on solutions, success stories and empowering the people, they have decided to distract from real issues.

So here we are . ... Left to pick up the pieces, we soldier on. I am researching "The Parallel Economy", I had written random thoughts and thought it would be time saving to use #Ai to rearrange my thoughts and points in the article. .. Far from it. I was left frustrated, wondering if an individual decides to pursue a self sufficient lifestyle, relying less on government and participates in the parallel economy to edge out a living, where ideas are valued it is hateful. ... Then it hit me, we are living in an age where everything is considered racist . ... I can't even drink milk in peace.

here is the converstation

My instructions were clear, do not correct any spelling errors, do not correct grammar, keep my writing style as is.

I prefer it that way, I write how I speak. Besides, the thought of becoming like the news and sounding like them would be a disaster in my view. I might also report something that is false and pretend its true. How those people live with themselves is beyond me. Anyway, I guess that what you do when you lied to the public and you are covering up for potential crimes now that the truth is coming out. ..

Anyway, back to my argument with Ai. I find myself censored, misquoted in what seemed to be an intentional sabotage. Surely that is not what happened, you be the judge

So I asked ChatGPT to help me rearrange my thoughts, I wrote an article on the subject matter “The Parallel Economy”. I lost my cool, do…

My assessment after this interaction is that Ai seems to have a bias slanted take on matters, it does not speak the language of the ordinary person, It seems to have a this perfect view of the world which does not reflect reality in the streets. One wouldn't be blamed for thinking that it was programmed by these so called fake journalist pretending to be informing people. And if I offended any journalists good, maybe it would give you a sense of the junk you keep pushing on us everyday, it is a disgrace.


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