Graduation Showcase of Newcomers Achievement Program : Batch July 2021

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 


In this post, we would like to showcase a list of newcomers that have completed all their achievements tasks and received Pro Newcomer Verified title at the Newcomers Community.
We also announce 5 Pro Newcomers that will receive 1 month of 1000SP delegation for their activities and engagements on Steemit.

A total of 253 Newcomers have completed their Newcomers Achievement Program.

The previous batch graduation post is here Graduation Showcase of Newcomers Achievement Program : Batch June 2021

Batch of July-August 2021 (Total of 179 Users)

NoAccountPro Newcomers Compilation TaskCountry
175@tanhunter254Achievement 1-6 por @tanhunter254 : Compilación de mis Logros.Venezuela
176@ahsanjawedCompilation of Achievements Tasks 1-6: by @ahsanjawedPakistan
177@realworld23Kompilasi Postingan Tugas Pencapaian oleh @realworld23Indonesia
178@starrchrisList of Achievement Tasks 1-6: Completed by @starrchrisNigeria
179@liriajmCompilación Final de Logros by @lirijamVenezuela
180@noregmcbCompilación de la Tarea de los Logros Por @noregmcbVenezuela
181@princaCompilation of Achievements 1-6 Task Post by @PrincaIndia
182@lion2000Compilation of Achievements'Task posts by @lion2000Pakistan
183@jennifer94Compilación de mis Logros Por @jennifer94Venezuela
184@zeewaneeCompilation of All Achievements 1-6 @zeewaneeIndia
185@noribetancourthList of Achievement Tasks 1-6 completed by @noribetancourthVenezuela
186@fahad3728Compilation of Achievements' Task Post by @fahad3728Pakistan
187@vectorshoreList of Achievement Tasks 1-6: Completed by @vectorshoreNigeria
189@fajrihasan12Compilation of Achievements' Task by @fajrihasan12Indonesia
190@stan015Compilation of Achievements' Task Posts by @stan015Nigeria
191@muklis90Compilation of Achievements' Task Post By @muklis90Indonesia
192@sagarcCompilation of Achievements' tasks post by @sagarcHong Kong
194@drumblacCompilation of achievements' task post by @drumblacCameroon
195@faisalniazi7Compilation of Achievement' From Task 1-6 by @faisalniazi7Pakistan
196@mkashifalicomReview Post: Achievement 1 to 6 Review by @mkashifalicomPakistan
197@siul1987Compilación de tareas de logros 1-6: completadas por @siul1987Venezuela
198@floressergioCompilación de tareas de logros por @floressergioVenezuela
199@sathsaraCOMPILATION OF ACHIEVEMENT 1-6 by @sathsaraSri Lanka
200@akshayvasaCompilation of Achievements' Task Post by @akshayvasaIndia
201@eglicarpiocompilación de tareas del programa de logros 1-6 @eglicarpioVenezuela
202@ferifelanaiCompilation of Achievements' Task Post by @ferifelaniIndonesia
203@zaibniazi01Compilation of all Achievements from 1 to 6 by @zaibniazi01Pakistan
204@lion99Compilation of Achievements' Task Post by @lion99Cameroon
205@vianny9709Compilación de tareas del programa de logros 1-6 @vianny9709Venezuela
206@lizgg2Lista de Logros 1 al 6 por @LIGG2 Venezuela
207@fakesmileKompilasi Postingan Tugas Pencapaian Oleh @fakesmileIndonesia
208@irwandiCompilation of Achievements' Task Post by @irwandiIndonesia
209@dhanux94Compilation of Achievement Task 1- 6 Post by @dhanux94Sri Lanka
210@leonelbCompilación de tareas del programa de logros 1-6 por @leonelbVenezuela
211@steemdoctor1COMPLITION OF ACHIEVEMENT TASKS 1-6 BY @steemdoctor1Pakistan
212@akiseCompilación de mis logros para optar por los 500SP minnowsupport - por: @akiseVenezuela
213@n-chrisCompilation of Achievement Task 1-6 post by @n-chrisNigeria
214@small-villeCompilation of Achievements' Task Post by @small-villeNigeria
215@dulipCompilation of Achievements Task Post by @dulipSri Lanka
216@azeem22Compilation of Achievements' Task Post by @azeem22Pakistan
217@olawole111Compilation of Achievements Tasks 1-6: by @olawole111Nigeria
218@ahumadaliliana29Recopilación de Mis 6 Logros Por @ahumadaliliana29Venezuela
220@ebubennahCompilation of Achievements' Task 1 - 6 Post by @ebubennahNigeria
221@shylock2002Compilation of my Achievements Tasks 1-6: by @shylock2002Ghana
222@hariszahidCompilation of Achievement task 1-6 By @hariszahidPakistan
223@darrellbassCOMPILATION OF ACHIEVEMENT 1-6 by @darrellbassCameroon
224@mvchacinRecopilación de Mis 6 Logros / Lista de Logros del 1 al 6 Por @mvchacinVenezuela
225@noelisdcCompilación de logros 1-6// por @noelisdcVenezuela
226@dairhial07Recopilación de mis logros del 1 al 6 / Por @dairhial07Venezuela
227@saiful-01Compilation of Achievements' Task post by @saiful-01Indonesia
228@thairisdcCompilación de logros 1-6 por @thairisdcVenezuela
229@yasin120Rewiew Post achievement 1 to 6 Review by @yasin120Pakistan
230@rubedariohRecopilación de Todos mis LogrosVenezuela
231@josantosLists of Achievement Tasks 1-6: Completed by @josantosNigeria
232@ramzanbaowCompilation Of Achievement Task 1-6 Pakistan
233@zikri-steemCompilation of achievements' task post by @zikri-steemIndonesia
234@ahsansharifCompilation Of Achievement Task 1-6 Pakistan
235@chisomxCompilation of Achievements’ Task post by @chisomxNigeria
236@orinoquenseCompilación de Logros 1-6 / Por @OrinoquenseVenezuela
237@eramaduAchievement Schedule Task Compilation 1-6 // @eramaduSri Lanka
238@strong56Compilación de Tareas del Programa de Logros completadas por @strong56Venezuela
239@jokkystarList of Achievement Tasks 1-6 completed by @jokkystarNigeria
240@scoblackTinjauan Post : Achievement 1 Sampai 6 Review by @scoblackIndonesia
241@skinnygirlCompilación de Logros 1-6 / @SkinnyGirlVenezuela
242@full-steemCompilation of achievements' task post by @full-steemIndonesia
243@rosselenaCompilación de Tareas del Programa de Logros por @rosselenaVenezuela
244@charis20Compilation of Achievements' Task 1-6: Completed by @charis20Nigeria
245@palma12Compilación de Logros 1-6 / @palma12Venezuela
246@jmarcanoMi Compilación de Logros 1-6, @jmarcanoVenezuela
247@qadeerasgharCompilation of Achievement task 1-6 By @qadeerasgharPakistan
248@liamnovCompilation of Achievement Task 1-6 : Completed by @liamnovPhilliphine
249@lita2021Recopilación de Mis 6 Logros / Lista de Logros del 1 al 6 Por @lita2021 en steemit Newcomers' CommunityVenezuela
250@muhammadsameerCompilation Of Achievement Task 1-6 By @muhammadsameerPakistan
251@lovvedayAchievement 1-6 compilation post by @lovvedayNigeria
252@scarlexCompilación de Mis 6 logros en Steemit. 👍 By @scarlexVenezuela
253@alanasteemitRecopilación de logros 1-6. Completado por @alanasteemit 10-06-2021/Compilation of achievements 1-6. Completed by @alanasteemit 06-10-2021Venezuela

The Steem Greeters Team Project has received a support/sponsorship of 10,000SP delegation from @steem.history one of the Steem Blockchain Top 20 witnesses. We are able to reward our Pro Newcomers who graduated with the delegation because of this generous support from him in addition to the support of The Steemit Team.

How we use this 10,000SP delegation?

We will allocate 5000 SP to selected 5 Pro Newcomers that being helpful in the Newcomers Community and also on Steemit platform as a whole.
Then another 5000SP is for 30 SP Support for Newcomers that have less than 30SP and have completed their Achievement 1 30 SP Delegation for Newcomers Open for Application📢

These users will receive the 1000SP delegation until next month of August

We hope more of you will be completing your achievements tasks, being active, and being helpful in the Newcomers' Community for a chance to receive the 1000SP delegation.

Steem On!

Steem Greeters Team.

p/s: please let us know if we somehow missed your name on this list of Pro Newcomer Verified.

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Well done to these guys
They have done a yo man's job
We shall soon complete ours

Dear Kannon, can you read my post, This is about the sign-up problem. I can not invite new people to Steemit.

Hola buenas noches eh completado mis logros y no estoy en la lista.. aquí les dejo mi compilación de mis logros..

I've not been verified in my achievement 1 task and I want to write my achievement 2 task, can I go on without being verified??

Hi mam

I am new Comer tell about task

Please my achievement 3 has not yet verified please kindly verified it for me

Please this is my achievement 3 post is not yet verifiedcheck it out

Hi Sir

Terimakasih, saya merasa bangga karena menjadi salah satu pro newcomers disini...

Please, my achievement1 has not been verified.

Thank you @cryptokannon. I am glad to be a graduate of the steemit newcomer's community, and I will also help in the little way I can to assist other newcomers. Thank you.

Hi bro

Hey bro how are you?

How can i join and be part of this community?


Vote for u mam

Hello @pw-max welcome to steemit continue to post your achievement using this guides
Lists of Achievement Tasks,Resources & Materials : Newcomers Resources

When you enter the newcomers community at the top
Click the subscribe button to join


By @cryptokannon

Oh very beautiful initiative here. I love the delegation plan. My own graduation will be this August 🤭🇨🇲🥳

Hi Sir

Hola @criptokannon, faltó mi inclusión en la lisla. yo obtuve mi etiqueta Pro Newcomers el 30/07, aquí mi compilacion de logros
Compilación de logros del 1 al 6

Hello @cryptokannon pls is it legal to request for money from a newbie just to verify his achievement post? Pls help us, we are being extorted here 🙏🙏🙏

So awesome, you are really doing an awesome job @cryptokannon , i cant wait to graduate from ur program.

My achievements don't varify plz verify them

Wow congrats to you all that have been selected

I thank you from the bottom of my heart
Please verify Achievement3

Thanks 😊😊👍

Hi sir

Good Day
My fellow stemians
My achievement 1 is still yet to be verified...
Here is my link..

I have a question, when I started in Steemit there were no achievements (or at least I do not remember them), should I do the achievements or am I already certified as a user?

Hi @jacorv you may do the achievements task to qualify for the beginners' introductory courses at Steemit Crypto Academy.

Alrigth! I'll

Muchos éxitos buen trabajo @Cryptokannon

Saludos y bendiciones

Thank you @cryptokannon for mentioning my name

But my post didn't get any upvote until the get expired


And i am going to post another post that will be beneficial to all newcomers soon

Muchas gracias por todo. Seguiré haciendo crecer más mi cuenta para así poder contribuir mucho más. Saludos 🤗

Hello @cryptokannon I have applied for 500 sp program I got selected one post but didn't get curation today is 6th day of my post so I should not post further please guide

Plz vote mam

Why is my name not showing??? Even though I've finished all the tasks, I'm sad hmmm

Learning about the community.

Congrats to them
I justed finished all my achievement task and i have been verified as pronewcomer but my isn't there.

Greetings my dear friend @cryptokannon, I am writing to you because 2 months ago I finished all my tasks and I have not yet been verified. I leave my link of compilation of achievements.

Dear @cryptokannon plzz verify my achievement 6 so i complete my all tasks. My achievement 6 has not been verify untill 3 days past.

Great effort

Congratulations to successful Persons. Meanwhile i was thinking that the task of people on lower achievements should be looked into. Should incase there's a correction needed to be done by them other than ignoring their posts if there was an error. Please @cryptokannon my achievement 3 post is gone past 7 days now and i didn't get any notification of any correction or approval. I put in much work on that achievement 3 and it's painful a kinda as it was neglected. Let me know what to do in time as to redo it. Thanks for understanding.

Sir my achievement 1 post will not verified please tell me the suggestion what can I do for that

It is a pleasure to be here

I am so happy to have completed all my achievement tasks. Already am helping new comers in many ways and I also engage in recruiting new users.

Thank you so much steemit team for all you do.

Best Regards

Yes i didnt see maxow71 in the list why?

Please request you that the ending plagirisim votes negative on my every post.
He voted negative on my achievement two and three also and whatever post I put in every other community, He votes negative and my rewarad is cut off.explain it something

Hola @cryptokannon

tengo un inconveniente con mis trx, descargue la aplicación que sugieres para android pero no poseo mi Tron privada es la única clave que no tengo por que no se me descargo completo el PDF que steemit me suministro en un inicio..¿Cómo podría yo hacer en ese caso? Agradezco su respuesta

Hi mem i want to become your student will you help me

I am new comer here please support me

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Queridos amigos buenas noches yo completé mis logros y no estoy en la lista

Muchas felicidades a los graduados ✨✨

it is very helpful and lovely to watch such an achievement by new commers.

Good day kannon, this is my achievement1 post. It has not been curated.
I have written my achievement2 post anyway. Thank you for kind assistance.

Thanks for the good works @cryptokannon
I also got verified as a Pro Newcomer within this month but unfortunately my user name is not among the list or I am rather part of the August-September batch.

Hi @cryptokannon , here's my verified
Compilation of Achievements task post. Thank you

Buenas tardes @Cryptokannon, perdone la molestia, por favor aquí mi comentario.

"Me gustaría solicitar 125SP Booayer"





Cuidese, Dios sea con usted.

Please my achievement 2 was verify but not curated
Was rated 3,link below

I've not been verified in my achievement 1 task and I want to write my achievement 2 task, can I go on without being verified??
What can I do now? I've been put on hold...

Dear @cryptokannon
My achievement 3 has not been verified for days now.
This is the link
Achievement 3

Hello @kannon please how can I get to the achievements programs I only did achievement 1. Which was my verification by introduction

Please @cryptokannon my achievement 2 was verify but not curated link below

Halo @cryptokannon, can I please find out how I can get verified? I completed task two but up to now, no one has verified me. Please help.

hola como esta soy un recién llegado me gustaría que me apoyaran con eso de la craccion de contenido gracias

Please check my achievement 1 and three i want vote on my acchivments and also chek my achievement 4 why it was not verify

## Achievement 1 " my introduction to steemit" @husnain775.

Achievement 3:Content Etiquette by @husnain775.

## Acchivment 4 By || @husnain775 || Applying Markdown: 21-08-2021.

Please @cryptokannon i would love to receive the 1000SP delegation please
I have be doing all that is required thank you ma


Hi @cryptokannon
Please verify my account

That's my achievement01 post

Please verify it🙏🙏🙏

You have been doing a great job and I commend you for there
Please check my achievement 2 it has not been verified for more than a week now. Here is my link Thank you @cryptokannon

Please this is my achievement 1 post is not yet verifiedcheck it out


Sorry, I was slow to find out, apparently I had graduated to complete this achievement, hopefully it became a science for me in this community

Hello friend @cryptokannon
I finished all my achievements in July but I do not appear on this list
Compilación de logros 1-6: completado por @danilop

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Postingan saya di achievement 4 belum di verifikasi.
Achievement 4 By @aridhaaukiya Taks : Applying Markdowns

Dear at @cryptokannon
My name is not included
i have completed all my achievement taks
This is my last achievement

Dear @cryptokannon
My last has not been verified
Compilation of my achievement

Hi.. @cryptokannon,
I am getting frustrated.. Please respond
My name is not among the lists compiled above, too.
I have completed all my achievements and tasks but am yet to get any delegated support on any of the winnow programs from 500Sp, 250Sp, 30SP.

Hi @daprado1999 we only do delegation support for newcomers with less than 30sp that have not yet had earning a total of 30sp including SBD conversion.

I still have not made my Achievement 2 Post because I dont think I got my Achievement 1. Please let me know if I need to do it again or what did I miss. 😭😭😭


Dear @cryptokannon

I posted 👉achievement 2 six days ago but it has not been verified yet. Please take a look at the post.

Dear @cryptokannon
My achievement 2 has not been verified for days now.

Link to my achievement 2


Kudos to you guys for completing your achievement. It will soon be our time because we are coming up to this ladder.

Hola amiga @cryptokannon, ayúdeme por favor tengo mi logro ya publicado desde hace ya tres días y no recibo ninguna validación aun, y quiero seguir con demás logros para así estar entre los próximos graduados de Steemit.


Thank you for commenting!

You may re-post your achievement1/introduction post as the last one is 2 months old with all the information.

Your post for the verification should include and not limited to the below list:

  • Your name and age
  • A country where you reside now
  • Your area of work or your study
  • Your experience with crypto
  • Your hobby and passion, dislike
  • What sort of posts written by others are you looking for
  • What sort of posts do you think you'll be creating (these can change, so don't feel locked in.)
  • How you found Steemit and what you hope to accomplish here.

I am sure once you cover all the above questions with your photo like on the old one, it will get verified by the team.

Thank You!
Newcomers' Community: Steem Greeter Helper Team


Well done @cryptokannon.
Please my Achievement task 5.4 has not been attended to. I wrote it 5 days ago though.
Below is the link to the post

Thank you.

Hello. I have posted my achievement 1 post but it's not verify yet @cryptokannon

Hello, @cryptokannon

I posted my 2th achievement 5 days ago and it is not checked yet please check it I'm want to participate in #cryptoacademy. Please verify my achievement 2.

Here is my achievement link below.

Please ma'am verify me