Achievement1 : Perkenalan Diri @dahlan21

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 


Hallo kawan saya ini membuat postingan pertama saya dengan perkenalan diri

Nama : Muhammad Dahlan, tempat dan tanggal lahir di Desa Matang ceubrek 15 April 1986. Nama akun saya @dahlan21

Umur saya sekarang 36 tahun
Alamat tinggal di gampong punti PA, Kecamatan tanah luas, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, provinsi Aceh, Indonesia

Pekerjaan bekerja swasta sebagai Pendamping tugas di kecamatan, pendidikan S1 PAI


Hobi melukis, peternakan/penetasan dan olahraga , dan hal yang tidak saya suka masalah kecil tetapi dibesar besarkan

Saya suka membaca postingan dengan tema lukisan dan karya seni yang unik serta membuat bonsai

Saya akan menguji kemampuan menulis pada
postingan lukisan dan tempat wisata yang menarik, peternakan/penetasan untuk budidaya itik.
Rekam pengalamam dalam pendampingan saya dilapangan serta saya akan melakukan pengambilan fotografer disekitar lingkungan kehidupan dan alam

Saya Mengenal Steemit @waterjoe dan @klen.civil ingin menguji pengalaman baru menulis dan memotret disini

Buku favorit yang suka saya baca tentang lukisan dan perternakan/penetasan dan saya favorit nonton flm sniper
Untuk belajar dari para senior semua yang sudah lama berkecimpung di platform steemit.

Demikian perkenalan diri saya kawan, sampai jumpa lagi pada tulisan Achievement2

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Selamat datang di platform Steemit


Selamat bergabung di platform steemit

Hi @dahlan21,

Welcome to steemit.

I invite you to Complete Your Achievement Tasks in Newcomer's Community, published by @cryptokannon. This course will enable you to improve your writing skills as well as you will be able to present your content in an organized manner.

You can also join Steemit Crypto Academy and participate in Introductory Courses which will help you to improve your knowledge about the crypto world.

There are many other communities that you can join and some of these communities are listed below:

and many more communities that you can join.

If you are new and your steem power is under 30sp you can apply for Steemit User Support Program

If you need any help feel free to contact with me.

Have a nice Day...

Greeter Fairy.gif

Welcome to the steemit family dear @dahlan21. I am pleased to have you join us here.
You have been verified and may move to the next achievement task.
To enjoy your experience here it will be wise if you try and finish all your achievement posts in the newcommers community, follow @steemitblog for #contest updates. Join communities like steemitfoods for your food posts, and steemalive for any other posts, steemitnursery where you can write about any topic of your choice, also, join steemkids community if you love kids and want to help them out. There are still other communities you can join with time.

You can start with @thediarygame season 3 where you will tell us about your days activities.

Welcome ones more. If you follow the rules, the sky will be your starting point, you will steem to the moon and beyond,trust me.
Love you dear!

Curation Rate- 2

Selamat bergabung di platform steemit

Welcome to steemit @dahlan21! This is a platform where you can write, interact with people and be part of different initiatives, projects and contests. To get a better understanding of how the platform works, it is recommended that new users take part in the newcomers' community achievement program. I will leave you a link in which you can review the teaching material for each achievement and the requirements needed to complete it.

Lists of Achievement Tasks, Resources & Materials : Newcomers Resources

If you are interested in cryptocurrency topics, you can join the Crypto academy and start with the introductory courses they are offering:

The Beginners Level Introductory Courses

You can opt for the 30 SP delegation program for newcomers.

If you need help, just let me know and I will do my best to clear your doubts.

Have a great day!

#affable #venezuela

You are welcome

Selamat bergabung di platform steemit yang mendunia ini 🤝

Hi, @dahlan21,

Your post has been supported by @abuahmad from the Steem Greeter Team.
