Achievement task 3 : content etiquette : @dezegbu

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Different forms of plagiarism

Plagiarism is the process of making another person's work look like your own. It's the representation of another person's work ideas and information as if they were your own. Even if you use another person's work please do acknowledge the person, that is the owner of the work. Not doing that it is going to be plagiarism. This could be caused by one forgetting to do that , as forgetfulness is prone to every human. Also the fact that you just participated in the act of plagiarism Still Remains.
The most serious form of plagiarism is not recognizing the direct source you cited from. Failure to recognize the source of your rephrasing whether intentionally or unintentionally, failure to recognize the direct source you cited from or failure of your rephrasing that you have taken or used another person's idea and information without their knowledge constitutes plagiarism.

  • If you understand the most common forms of plagiarism you be able to avoid them.
    Also plagiarism means the process of using another person's fresh ideas without their knowledge or without proper acknowledgment to the idea or information you borrowed. To use a person's work, you must make proper accreditation to the original authors work or information. It could be essentially unknowingly or deliberate stealing of another person's work, Or to be caused by oblivion as it could have happened accidentally.

To avoid plagiarism this sources should be noted.

  • Always add your own ideas and use your own words mostly when writing as your brain also can work ,as it helps you to keep track of your work.

  • Acknowledge the original source of your work ,give credit to the original owner of the words or work you have used. This helps to prevent plagiarism.

  • Plagiarism can reault to a big problem or results to unfavorable consequences. Always make sure to check you work before you submit, best adviceable to use the plagiarism checker.



  • Do not be absent minded with whatever you are writing , because when you are present minded you tend to focus more on everything you are writing ans it will be easy to detect if you have made any mistake of plagiarism and wen if you did you will be able to correct and change it.

  • Always be of the mindset that plagiarism is a very big offense and can result into serious consequences that will not be favorable.

  • make sure you read and understand everything you have come across as it will help you to be able to build words in your own way without plagiarizing. You don't always need to do the "COPY and PASTE" as you canread and understand always pour out your knowledge in your own word. As if you actually understood what you read you won't find any difficulty tryibg to form words in your own word.


  • Limited time to work
    When there is limited or not enough time to carry out your work you might just want to copy another person's work and probably forget to acknowledge the source of the information you used for your work.

  • low self esteem
    When you have low self esteem, you are not sure about yourself or whatvyou can do, questions like "can i do this? " "how do i do this" will make you loose that spirit of courage on how to go about your writing and You will find yourself indulging in this act with the mindset that no one is going to find out afterall.


  • When you cite the source of your work, you have genuinely acknowledged the fact that you used another person's work and words and you have differentiated your own work from the main source or original source of information you have used.

  • Always give accreditation to the original source of your work because not doing that will result in a penalty as the consequences might not be favorable.


*There are different types of plagiarism Na they are;

  • Direct plagiarism
  • Complexion plagiarism
  • Mosaic plagiarism
  • Accidental plagiarism


  • Thus is the word for word use of another person's work without acknowledgement and proper citation. The intentional use of another person's work without proper acknowledgment is really academic dishonesty and said to be displacement.


  • This is the process by which a person or student submit the same work of assignment to the original professor who gave you the work and to another professor who taught you about it. Or the professor whose book is the main source of your information or idea without his or her permission abs proper accreditation. Submission of the same assignment to different professors without the consent of the Professor whose work was borrowed.


  • This is when someone borrows an expressions from a source or original source without citation marks. Copy and paste by a student without proper citation marks and acknowledgement.
    "Patch memoir" is called restating, intentional or not , it is plagiarism and it is punishable.

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  • Accidental plagiarism takes place when a person don't give credit to the original source or source of he information the person used. Unintentional paraphrasing of a source or original source using the same words. People need to know how to cite their source of information and make sure they take note of any form of plagiarism when studying. Cases of this form of plagiarism is taken so serious as any Other form of Plagiarism as they all have the same punishment or consequences for plagiarizing.

  • When paraphrasing,to avoid plagiarism, make sure you don't have the same texts as the original source as it will be said to be plagiarism. If you understand every form of plagiarism, you will be able to avoid them.
    Always make sure to use plagiarism checker to avoid plagiarism and to make sure you haven't made any mistake of forgetfulness of citation, included paraphrase closer to the original source of information or main source of words.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

thanks for reading.


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Use blockquote to show citation example in your post. It should look like this.

I have done that @ngoenyi

I have added the block quote to the citation
Just like this thank you @ngoenyi

@ngoenyi good morning
Its been 3 days now
And my post hasnt been verified

how do i go about this" will begin to pop in your head and at this point you have lost the morale and courage or trust in your self.

You plagiarized this content edit and write in your own words.

@ngoenyi i have made the correction
Thank you .

Hi @dezegbu, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Next time do not duplicate your post

task rate:2