Achievement Task 3 by @donald14 : CONTENT ETIQUETTES

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 


Today I am very happy because my Achievement 2 has already been verified.

And I present to you the Achievement 3

This achievement talks about plagiarism, a very interesting topic and that many people still do not know or did not know.

What is plagiarism?

"According to the definition of the RAE, plagiarism is substantially copying other people's works, giving them as one's own."
"When you use someone else's ideas, words or work as your own, without stating the source from which that information comes, you are plagiarizing them."

In other words, plagiarism is the theft of ideas, texts or photos. Publish it and not give credit to the creator.
Researching on the subject I understood that there are two types of plagiarism that are the following:

Intentional plagiarism

“An intentional plagiarism when a work that is not is presented as one's own:

  • Copy and paste
  • Copy the words or ideas of others, without citing them, to make them pass as their own.
  • Buying, stealing or borrowing a work written by someone else to pass it off as your own.
  • Present someone else's work as your own.
  • Pay someone else to write the work and pass it off as their own. "

Non-conscious plagiarism

“Generally, unconscious plagiarism occurs due to ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism.

  • Quotations are not included or are not cited correctly.
  • It is paraphrased without really departing from the original text.
  • Thoughts or theories are developed based on other people's ideas, without citing. "
Today I learned that I have been committing non-consensual plagiarism, without knowing it I committed plagiarism by citing a Wikipedia text and not giving it credit for ignorance. Thanks to this achievement I can correct my mistake and learn new things

Say No to Plagiarism

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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