in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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What is plagiarism?

 Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent.

What are the different types of PIagiarism?

  • We have many different types of PIagiarism,I will only write on four,they are;

*DIRECT PLAGIARISM:Involves copying an entire piece of work by someone else and claiming it is yours. This is what alot of people do, and it is easy to be detected.


It is also known as“patchwork plagiarism”this type of plagiarism involves using part of someone else’s work and adding to is known as“copy/paste”.


It’s also plagiarism to borrow essays from friends. You may have older friends who have taken a course years before from a different instructor.


This simply means reusing your own work from a past class or from a past notes and passing it off as new .

Common Forms of Plagiarism

The most common forms of plagiarism are committed by students; The reasons for doing this,is laziness,they find it very difficult to read their books. Here is a list of the most common:

  • Buying an essay or paper from a Web site or anywhere else and claiming it to yourself.
    Borrowing paper from friends in a previous semester

  • Using an old essay or paper written for one class by using it in another class studying the same or similar material.

  • Receiving help from other students on paper and turning it in your own name as individual work.

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It is so easy to stay away from PLAGIARISM, the whole thing is to create time for reading and researching,jot down important points,While you’re doing research and taking notes for your paper, make sure to record the source of each piece of information.


Citation means researching for something.or piece of writing taken from a written work,to cite an image,you have to go to Google or any site click on the image and then copy the link.for example

Abraham Licon said " Whatever you are, be a good one by -ABRAHAM LINCON

CONCLUSION: I have learnt about the meaning and types of plagiarism. and I will do my best to avoid plagiarism

Special memories to
@cryptokannon @ngoenyi @

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