Achievement 3 by @duckling Task : Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my Achievement 3 post which is on CONTENT ETIQUETTE. I hope all are doing great things.

In this post, I am going to share my views of content etiquette.


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What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism means you are writing a post but in that post you have copied from other post and you are representing someone's work without giving credit to them is known as plagiarism which is a unethical in blogging.For some money some people do work with plagiarized content which is highly unappreciated. On steemit platform plagiarism is not acceptable and will give down vote to plagiarized content.

There are plagiarism is categorize in some types which are as follows.

Direct plagiarism - when you copy someone content and without taking any permission from him.

Self plagiarism - when you using your old post but you are not mentioning that in your current post.

Mosaic Plagiarism when you reuse a mix of word and ideas from a others post without mentioning them in source or not giving them any credits.

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution. (See example for mosaic plagiarism.) Students must learn how to cite their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research. (See the Note-Taking section on the Avoiding Plagiarism page.) Lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism.Source

How to avoid Plagiarism?

  • When your read other author post just get idea from them and write it in your word.
  • Try to write your own idea, your own content that would be always unique.
  • Try to read more post from different resources that would be always helpful for you.
  • Always give time to write a post and Never post content in hurry.
  • Always use plagiarized checker tool before posting the content.This will show you if your content is plagiarized.

I understands the lots of things about plagiarism from the achievement 3 post and I tried to explain that in easy words. I never support the plagiarism in the post and also will try to write unique content that will give values to steemit users.

My best regards

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@ngoenyi please verify my task

@rishabh99946 please verify my achievement

@tarpan please verify my post

@tarpan @rishabh99946 Please verify this task

You plagiarised this content:


Edit and write in your own words.

yes I will I think we need to add that line at the bottom as it is because of that I written same

Please check this once. @ngoenyi