ACHIEVEMENT2 SECURITY IN STEEMIT || written by @echoes || guided by @ederra

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 
Hola amigos ☺️,

Hope we're all doing great today.
This game is getting more interesting day by day.
Today, I'll be writing on one functioin aspect of this amazing platform which is security.
I won't dive into without giving a brief explanation of what security is.



Security as concept can be seen as an act of safeguarding or securing something of different magnitude of importance.
It can be seen as safety measures taken by an organization or a person to ensure the maximum protection of a particular object.


Security been as explained above can be coined to fit the Steemit platform as any measure taken by the Steemit board to safeguard accounts and maintain maximum standards in its' operations.
In other to maintain privacy and safety, keys were introduced into the platform, this keys are called permission keys.
There are five permission keys in steemit, and this keys perform different functions in the platform.
They include;

  1. Posting key
  2. Active key
  3. Memo key
  4. Owner key and
  5. Master password.

1. Posting key: As active members in this platform you most have known that posting is something essential to the platform. Without posting, there'll be no Post for curation.
In order to Post in the platform, an active key is needed by the user to access his account.
This key performs numerous functions in the platform like upvoting and downvoting a Post, allows a user to choose who to follow and who to unfollow.

2. Active key:Active is a word that defines energy, bouncy etc.
Judging with the meaning of active, we can then say that this key can perform several operations. But one major function of the active key is to confirm transaction.

3. Memo key: This key is used in encryption.
Encryption is type of security used in safeguarding a file that can be understood by the person that encrypted it or the original person the message is meant for.

4. Owner key: This key grants full access to the owner of an account.
As the name implies, to own means to possess something that belongs to you. So, the owner key is the key that controls everything in Steemit.

Master password: The word master denotes experty in something unique to someone.
A master in Steemit is a person who has explored the ups and downs of Steemit and have understood everything in the platform.
The master key is that key used in controlling other keys in steemit. This key can be used in changing other keys for security purpose.


The permission keys come in form of a pdf. Immediately a user creates a Steemit account, he'll be asked to download a PDF that contains his permission keys.
This PDF can only be accessed by an application that's allowed to access pdf like Adobe reader, WPS office, phoneix browser etc.
It's not adviceable to store your permission keys online because anything stored online is proned to be hacked by Intruders.


When transferring steem token firstly, you'll log in to your wallet, click on steem, the below option in the image will display.


Click on transfer, input the name of the user you wish to transfer the steem token to, put the amount and then memo.
After which, you click on next, confirm the transaction and then you're good to go.


As usual, you'll have to login to your wallet, click on steem, click on power up.
After that, input the amount you wish to power up, confirm it.

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Hola amigo que buena explicación presentas en tu publicación de seguro será de mucha utilidad para muchos.

Sabes Steemit tiene la intención con este logro que nos quede muy claro lo importante que son el resguardo de las claves que mencionaste, debemos conservarlas grandemente en múltiples sitios y por experiencia propia te sugiero escribirlas o imprimirlas ósea tenerlas resguardada en físico.

Suerte en tu recorrido
aqui @Logro1 por @jusbelmax tienes una mano amiga.