Achievement 3 by @eloksjoseph Task : Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hi guys , welcome to my ACHIEVEMENT 3 post.I have done my ACHIEVEMENT 1 and 2 tasks and I've submitted them.In this my ACHIEVEMENT 3 post,I am going to talk about plagiarism.



Plagarism is basically copying another authors work and then putting it foward as your own. Some of us understand this as piracy.In the case whereby you copy or steal someone's work without acknowledging them or without their consent. It is also known as the act of plagarizing content.

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions such as penalties, suspension, expulsion or work, substantial fines and even incarceration.


In this type of PLAGARISM, all contents of the article are copied word for word,sentence by sentence.There is no change in the content of the post.The only difference with the original post is that the name of the real author is changed to that of the author who's plagarizing the content.


As the name implies,self plagarism is the case whereby an author repost or republishes his own content and tags it as a new one.


In this case,the wrong source of content is used.For example,if you make a post about cryptocurrencies and then put a wrong source e.g. a website for food, you can see it has no correspondence with the article,then it is source based plagarism as the wrong source of information was placed.


Most times plagarism is done on intent but in a case where an author forgets to reference an article or forgets to input the source of the article,it is known as accidental plagarism.


This is the most common type of plagarism . Paraphrasing plagarism is the type of plagarism that involves changing and twisting the words of the original post and then putting the work foward as your own


There are some actions we can take or things we can to do curb plagarism,here are a few;

  1. Always reference and source posts that are not original.

  2. Be creative and make original posts.

  3. Ensure you understand the topic before making a post about it.

  4. Use of plagarism checker.


Plagarism is a forbidden act in the steemit community and it is best avoided as it can lead to certain consequences like blacklisting and banning .It is best to create original posts as it won't give you plagarism issues.

Say no to plagarism,be honest and be original.

I have read all about steemit etiquettes on this steemit community and I will do my best to embrace it.

#achievement3 #nigeria #endingplagarism #contentetiquette #newcomer #steemitblog

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hi @eloksjoseph, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
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task rate:2

Thanks for your review ma,I'll proceed to the next task.

Hi, @eloksjoseph,

Your post has been supported by @tarpan from the Steem Greeter Team.