Achievement 1 through introduction Post

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Halo warga Steemit, saya kedutaan classc, 19 tahun dan saya tinggal di Indonesia.


Oktober ini saya akan memulai studi Universitas saya di Kedokteran Hewan.
Saya hampir tidak memiliki pengalaman dengan Cryptocurrency.
Saya memiliki hobi menggambar, menjahit, dan kerajinan.

lora floral.png
Ini adalah gambar digital yang terinspirasi oleh burung beo saya


Saya ingin melihat posting tentang menggambar, menjahit, kerajinan, binatang, anime (animasi Jepang) dan manga (kartun Jepang).
Saya akan membuat Publikasi gambar tangan digital dan asli saya, kerajinan saya, burung beo saya menggunakan kreasi saya dan kadang-kadang menghancurkannya.
Saya menemukan Steemit untuk Ibu saya.
Saya berharap untuk mendapatkan semua prestasi.
Saya suka menggambar, saya biasa menulis banyak puisi tetapi saya punya waktu tanpa terinspirasi untuk menulis, saya suka menonton anime dan membaca manga favorit saya adalah Kuroshitsuji (butler hitam), saya juga biasanya menonton film dengan keluarga saya (saya' m ibu, ayah dan adik laki-laki saya)

Terima kasih

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Hello @embassyclassc, what a pleasure to welcome you to steemit which is a unique platform where you can find value in all that you like and that you want to share in a digital world of wide possibilities.

I am pleased to meet you and know all that is part of you and that you are passionate about, unfortunately I must inform you that this presentation does not meet the necessary requirements to be verified as achievement 1 (please review) of the Newcomers' Community, please review this information very well and we will gladly return to verify your presentation in the community.

You must make a presentation poster "handmade" and share a photo with it without effects or filters, it must have the date and your username.

Cc: @endingplagiarism, @endplagiarism04

Greetings 👍

Hello @embassyclassc,

🌺🌸🌺🌸You made it! Welcome to Steemit🌺🌸🌺🌸

For a great start on Steemit, we recommend all the users to complete the @cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program. By doing so, you will come to know Steemit functions and what other resources are available for you.

Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social networking site that pays users in STEEM cryptocurrency for posting and curating material. Do participate by making posts, commenting on other users' posts, and voting on others' posts.

We invite you to join us in Steemit Nursery Community specially created to support all the newcomers. Aside from the Steemit Nursery & Newcomers' Community, you can check the List of Steemit Communities Categorized by Their Subjects and find a community that is a good fit for you.

We encourage you to take part in the Beginners Level Introductory Courses on Steemit Steemit Crypto Academy. For more details, you may check the 📢Announcement : Join The Beginners Level Introductory Courses 📚.

Remember to follow @steemitblog for the most recent updates.

Thank You!
Newcomers' Community: Steem Greeter Helper Team


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