Hello, in a new chapter in my life I want to know from my new friends how they are.
And I'm much better.
My Original Name : Emdadul,
My permanent address : Dhaka, Bangladesh
This is my nickname : @emdadulislam

I would first say that I am studying in Bangladesh now and I want to finish the education that we have in our country. Besides, I want to study abroad like America, China or Russia because our country does not have the kind of education that is required to fulfill my dream. Anyway I moved to my acquaintance I was born in Bangladesh and I love my country very much.
I am now studying in class XI.

Anyway, I have been studying at this institute for almost a year and a half now, although I would have finished this institute in 5-6 months, but it will take a little longer to finish due to Covid-19.
Before that it meant that the institution I studied at before this educational institution was a very good school. About half of what I have studied there is there.
I don't care why I explain so much about my studies.
Because three-quarters of the time I've spent in my life has been spent studying, that's why I'm talking so much about my studies.
Let me tell you a little bit about the place where the study of life took place. The school that instilled in me a love for my studies or an inspiration that helped me reach this moment in my life.
At the end of the day I will talk about the place of birth.
I was born in a district called Pabna in Bangladesh.