Honest Review Of Read.Cash and Publish0X

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)


On February 8th, 2021, I joined both, Read.Cash and Publish0x. During the past 10 months, both platforms exposed all of their ups and downs, pros and cons. First, I'll briefly describe Publish0x, 'cause there's not much to say about it, except that the design is somewhat messy, their rewards system complicated and slow, while their favoritism of the pro-big-tech & mainstream media narratives makes every sane person vomit whenever an article that includes the "politically incorrect" FACTS gets published & "fact-checked". For instance, In May, I published an article "Reasons I Refuse COVID Vaccine". A few hours later, the platform itself marked my article as "full of false information" (not in those particular words), while my "anti-science opinions and attitude" infuriated their users. When we take their rewarding system (which is slow and complicated) into account, we may conclude that Publish0x is not decent enough to be used. For instance, when FARM should have been withdrawn from my profile, Publish0X's administration needed 3 weeks to approve it! 3 weeks for 3 dollars after months of diligent publishing!? Here is a comparison of Publish0X's and HIVE's rewards for the same article:

publish0x finance.png

hive finance.png

This might sound arrogant, and greedy, but Publish0x's rewards are not worthy of the time invested into typing. No other articles I ever published to Publish0X received so many likes and views. That's the one with the highest "score". Most of my articles get 0.01-0.03$ on Publish0X. Would 1-3 cents per article keep you motivated and inspired?

Read.Cash is much better and tidier than Publish0X. I really enjoy the simplicity thereof, while most users are warmhearted and joyful, which makes the experience greater! According to "Blockchair.com", I've received approximately 2000$ so far (that's a lot when compared with the 12$ I received from Publish0X). I wasn't being rewarded during the first four months of activity, but the experience was great thanks to users who were encouraging me (by telling me that my articles are interesting and useful).

The administration is intolerant to "hate speech" and "politically incorrect" topics, so, the platform is not suited for truthful COVID-related articles. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, though. Perhaps, it depends, from individual to individual. It is true, however, that bragging about tyranny and global deception on all fronts won't change a thing, but it will indeed rob us of our peace and joy. The only thing that bothers me is the mentality of users. Most people are not trying to offer and/or add value, rather, deplete pockets of donors as much as possible. For instance, when I published an article about my father's guitar "Grandma", one man commented "cool song, I didn't know it exists". That's the type of mentality that reigns on Read.Cash. Another quite discouraging thing is to see users having over a thousand subscribers just because they're frequently exposing attributes every woman's body has (if you know what I mean..), while really cool authors (such as Dr. Mictorrani) can't reach 500 after two years of activity.

Aside from that, Read.Cash is great. Their rewards cannot be compared with HIVE, 'cause HIVE is in a league of its own (no doubt about it). Perhaps, Read.Cash is No.2! I rate it with 8/10!

Here is a link to my profile in case you decide to join: https://read.cash/@Gemstone

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