🐛12th part of 'Helping Friends' released🐛
Silk Worms has got some drastic changes from selective breeding that have made it entirely dependent upon humans for survival, and it does not exist in the wild. While it's no secret that the production of silk kills the very organism that produces it, even 30,000-50,000 silkworms are killed to make one six-yard sari. From silk to peace silk here we are giving some incredible info. sericulture industry.
#silkworm #silk #ahimsasilk #environment #india #environmentind #indenvironment #agavesilk #peacesilk #sustainability #veganmarket #vegan #Bombyxmori #wildsilk #fibres #domestication #ecofriendly #ecology #invertebrates #KusumaRajaiah #resham #silkmoth #SilkDB #Sustainablefashion #fashion #Sustainablejobs #Vanya