Achievement 3 by @fadhian Task: Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

A cordial greeting to all the steemians of this beautiful community


Today I will fulfill my Achievement 3,being part of this platform and strengthening my knowledge every day.


A theme that expands and unfortunately is visualized in many parts of our daily lives so to speak in a way and that we must instruct so that it does not continue to happen.

We begin with its meaning

What is it?

Plagiarism is copying some topic, work or document that is written or related by someone else and at the same time makes it pass as if it were of its own authorship.
Applying the application does not lead us to anything good, we do not gain anything from the fact of copying some work, only what happens is that we do not develop our own intellectuality, much less common sense.

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium. When you hear about famous scholars getting in trouble for plagiarism, it usually means they copied exact sentences or almost-exact sentences and phrases from someone else and did not include a footnote or quotation marks or any kind of indication that the words were not their own. In college, this is also the case, but there are other ways to commit plagiarism besides copying someone else's work. It is also considered plagiarism when students turn in papers that they obtained by purchase, hire or any other method outside of composing the work themselves. Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing or conversation.The main point is that when you incorporate anyone else's words or ideas into your own work, you simply need to give them credit and provide your audience with information on how to find the original source. Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper, presentation, speech, etc. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite or acknowledge someone else's words or ideas is plagiarism.source

Today there are many types of plagiarism that are usually committed by man. One of them is the following:

Direct Plagiarism

Also known as “word-for-word plagiarism” or “clone plagiarism,” direct plagiarism involves copying an entire piece of work by someone else and claiming it is your own original work. This is what many people associate with plagiarism, and it is easy for teachers and professors to detect.source

Hired Plagiarism

Hired plagiarism involves paying someone else to write an essay or research paper for you. This also includes buying essays from internet sites or essay-writing services. It doesn’t have to be the entire essay or paper; it’s plagiarism to hire someone else to write any part of work you claim as your own.source

Borrowed Plagiarism

It’s also plagiarism to borrow essays from friends. You may have older friends who have taken a course years before from a different instructor. If you use a paper or part of a paper written by a friend for a past course, this is considered borrowed plagiarism.source

Self Plagiarism

Similarly, reusing your own work from a past class and passing it off as new work is also a type of plagiarism. This includes using all or part of a high school essay for a college assignment. It’s also self plagiarism to use the same essay or paper to fulfill two different assignments for two different courses.source

Mosaic Plagiarism

One of the most confusing types of plagiarism is mosaic plagiarism because it encompasses a lot of different behaviors. Also called “patchwork plagiarism” or “patch writing,” this type of plagiarism involves using part of someone else’s work and adding your own work to it. This includes “copy/paste” and “find and replace” plagiarism, where you replace certain words or sections with paraphrased work in an attempt to make it unique.source

Collaboration Plagiarism

This type of plagiarism involves collaborating on a project but acting like it was done alone. A group of students may get together to work on the research for a project and then each write his or her own essay based on the research. Because the work is not entirely original and that of the student claiming it, this is plagiarism.source

Simply put, the types of plagiarism are only caused or applied by the type of person who does not like to be instuturse of content and be original only that they are based on passing off the works of other people as if it were their authorship.

How do we avoid plagiarism?

Very easy, we just have to be original as far as the content is concerned and avoid copying we work from other authors.
In Steemit this type of scam for labeling it in a way is totally denied, in this platform you need content of high originality of creative intuitions of its own origin so that in this way the contents are more explicit and have that spark of naturalness that characterizes each person.

I hope my brief explanation of plagiarism will be very useful. Remember we must avoid it by being original and unique in our posts.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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Hi, @fadhian,

Your post has been supported by @dilchamo from the Steem Greeter Team.

Hola @fadhian, el plagio es un problema que nos afecta todo el tiempo, ya que, podemos ser plagiados o plagiar a otro escritor, pero debemos evitar esas prácticas y desarrollar nuestro potencial. Éxitos y saludos.

Hello @fadhian, plagiarism is a problem that affects us all the time, since, we can be plagiarized or plagiarized another writer, but we must avoid those practices and develop our potential. Successes and greetings.