in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)

11th August 2020. today is rainy day. wholeday are having rain. That is way i can not go outer. this month is rainy season. This moment is right. What will i do?.think whole day. End of day i have decided. i will make something. And i am confused what will i make. Sweet desert with rainy day combination are great. Many day i feel like to eat JODDA POWLAO. And i want to share you. How have i maked jodda powlao.


-Basmati / Polao rice - 2 cups,
water - 2 liters,
cinnamon - 2
cardamom - 2
bay leaves - 2
cloves - 3
orange jorda color - 1/2 teaspoon
saffron - a pinch (2) Tablespoon soaked in milk)
butter - 1/2 cup (you can add ghee if you want)
sugar - 2 cups (to taste)
crushed almonds - 2 cups (wood nuts, cashew nuts)
dry fruits - a little more than 1.5 cups ( You can also give raisins
glazed cherries and other dry fruits)
milk - 2 cups.


Method: Rice should be washed and boiled with water and a little salt and saffron should be added to the water. The scent and color of saffron will continue to come out as it becomes perfect. Give the rice a little yellow color. In the meanwhile, when the rice is cooked and the color is good, wash the rice with cold water and add water. Now heat ghee in a pan and fry it with cinnamon and cardamom. Dip rice in ghee and keep frying. At this time you can put the pan on the bottom of the pot, it will take less fire. Keep folding with the pan.Stir in the raisins. Now add sugar and keep stirring. Now sprinkle milk powder and keep stirring.
Grate the nuts. Grate the dates. Mix well. Now look at the condition of the rice, see if it has become soft and crispy. See the taste. Not too soft and not too hard! If it feels hard, cover it and let it simmer for a while. Ready to serve! Sprinkle with some nuts. At this time you can decorate with some small items of sweets (which are available in sweet shops) if you want.

But my desert was delicious . it was still raining outside. Then i have decided to read novel book. But reading is not my hobbies. It is 3.30pm. the rain has stoped. Then i go to plaza for meeting with my friend. We do gossip about lot of thing. Then go to bogura doi ghar. It is one of the famous restaurant in our city and Their most popular item is DOI CHIRA. Me and my friend eat this item. it was sweet yogurt and dry paddy rice. then i back to home. And i am jodless person. That is why i have lot of time. This time spent behind fb scrolling and gaming. Now it is high time to have dinner. So good night all my friend.

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Your jodda powlao reminds me of jollof rice so much buddy. It has the exact same look. I'm really glad you shared the recipe. It seems to be composed mainly of fruits.I thought its color was as a results of tomato paste or other ingredients till I notice the orange jorda color?

Is this orange coloration healthy for consumption? Are there other alternatives we can use? I am a big fan of fruits and your feedback might just get me cooking this meal. Thanks for sharing.


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#onepercent #bangladesh

Hi @faizurehan , Thanks for sharing the recipe for JODDA POWLAO. Really interesting .. wanna try this
#onepercent #srilanka

Indeed you are a great cook thank you for shearing with us how to cook

Indeed you are a
Great cook thank you for shearing
With us how to cook

                 - obeygh

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