Achievement1:|| Introducemyself @Farooq Rehmani to Steemit platform

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 

Hi everybody,
I hope all of you are extremely fine by the grace of Allah almighty. Today is the first auspicious time I’m posting in the #steemit platform. I am good at getting the right people and the right ideas in a particular venue. Let’s have a look with my personal details.
I am @Muhammad Farooq, a computer science graduate, and a noble teacher .It is pleasure to meet you. I am excited to be a part of #Steemit platform. I want to thanks of all @Steemit team that provide helpful platform for needy people. I love to enjoy every moment of my life. Good habits or relationships at work can benefit you in many ways, like making your work life easier and improving productivity.


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