in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 

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In this achievement3 am going to explain what plagiarism is and how to avoid it

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is anything you claim to be when you know that you are not that thing is plagiarism or anything you claim to be your work or your article but is not your own is plagiarism,for example on the internet,an old woman may decide to decieve young guys with her youth pictures that is also plagiarism because she is no longer the young lady she claim to be

Types of plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism
This is intentional plagiarism, you have cited your source, fine but you did not write anything to show that you quoted another person it intentional but you need to avoid it because it is still an offense

Self plagiarism: This one is very common in school instead of reading we will tear some parts of our note book that we believe that it will come out during exams,so that we will copy it,or we write it on our laps do that we can copy from there,, that is self plagiarism,,now i know why many people will finish school still they know nothing because all those things has negative effect later,

Acidental plagiarism: this is called miss qoute, you cite a text,but give it a different link ,so this will confuce the reader because the link will not take the person to the text,this calls for carefulness not to misquote because it is still plagiarism.

How to avoid plagiarism

One way to avoid plagiarism is to cite a text or image properly, avoid copy and paste,try to lear new things so that we can use our brain, as a student,read very well,are you a public speaker,dtudy very well,learn from other not to claim their word,if want to use their word, quote the person.


Citation is a way of telling someone that what said is not your own or what you read here is from another person, because you will include the name of the person which will help your reader to make more research to learn about the person or the subject.

For example,

.Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe

You can see that the quote has the name of the person who said it, that is citation anyone who across this will know am not the origin of this qoute

how to cite a text

When citing a text, write the name of the author or the name ao the article or the name of the book, with this it will be easy for you to locate what you want on google very easy.


I have read and understand the steemit etiquette on steemit community,i will do my best to embrace them.

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