Achievement 3 by @glophil Task: Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 


Dear Steemians,

It is a pleasure and glad to be on this special platform for my achievement 3 task, which I will explain to you my understanding of plagiarism and its forms. Thanks to the mentorship from @cryptokannon on content etiquette which gives slight knowledge on plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by putting it into your work without full acknowledgment. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.

What do we consider or classify as Plagiarized work

Verbatim quotation without clear acknowledgment
Quotations should be always be identified by the use of quotation marks and with full referencing of the source cited. It must always be clear to the reader to know your own private work and someone else’s idea or work.

Cutting and pasting from the Internet without clear acknowledgment
Information we get from the Internet must be properly referenced and included in the bibliography. It is very necessary to evaluate carefully and cite all materials found on the internet, and also the reviews from an expert must be cited if it has been used in your work.

Paraphrasing the work of others is by changing a few words and its order, or following the structure of their work. And it can also be called plagiarism if you did not give an acknowledgment to the author whom you are altering his work. And passing reference to the original author in your own text may not be enough; you must accept the fact that, the paraphrased ideas are entirely not your own.

Inaccurate citation
It is very necessary to cite correctly, in which you list up your sources (in bibliography), you should also indicate using a footnote or markdown, where a quoted passage was derived. Also, you shouldn't include anything in your references that you have not used in your work.

Failure to acknowledge the assistance
You should acknowledge all help or assistance that has contributed to the improvement of your work, our friends, families and other religious mates in most times provide guidance and assistance and deserves to be acknowledged.

"I have read and understand the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Thanks for your attention.


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You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Rating: 3

Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.

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Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

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