what is plagiarism and how we detect plagiarism ?

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello freinds

Its me @hamad111 from #pakistan

Today i am going to explain to steemit new comer users plagiarism first when i come to steemit i hear this word but i don't what is this but ofter when i understand that what is plargism then again i was confused that how to detect plagiarism from contest and make contest unique today i am going to explain and understand to you what is plargiarism how we make contest safe from plagiarism so without wasting time lets start



There are alot of difinition plagiarism some are as under

  • Plagiarism is a those ideas someone else's work or ideas as your own, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published as well unpublished material, whether printed or electronic form, its all covered under this definition.

  • plagiarism is tooking someone works that didn't have a credits/permission by the real owner.

  • plagiarism can also define ad using the language and thoughts of some other person and presenting it as your original work.

Plagiarism is a fraud which we steal someone's e work and present it as ours. The international copyright laws states that expressions of original ideas is considered intellectual property and it protected by copyright laws.

There are 3 types of plagiarism-:

  • Minimal plagiarism - this is more common plagiarism, specially in field or education. In this, the original text is edited, substituted with synonyms and then presented.

  • Substantial plagiarism - In this type of plagiarism, more textual material is added to original document and the sequence of text is changed too.

  • Complete plagiarism - In This type of plagiarism implies, making no changes in original data and presented directly.


  • Image plagiarism is that plagiarism which we download an image and use in our own article wothout permission


  • STEP 1

search picture on google chrome for exapmle i search "shahid Afridi"👇👇👇


  • STEP 2

Go to image option and click on option image👇👇👇


  • STEP 3

The you will see this interface and you will see in right corner "tools" option and presss the tools option the again you will see the interface like👇👇👇


  • STEP 4

Ofter pressing the option tools the intrface you see in the mid of screen option
"use rights ofter presing three option will be create

1) all

2) creative comon liscence

3) commerical and other liscence

then simply click on option 2 and the select picture just suppose i select this picture 👇👇👇


Then on very botom you will opton lisence detail option


The ofter that you wil see that the picture you select is plagirasd or unique




[source ](







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Please refer to the task post and change your post title and tag me so that i can verify your post.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

sorry its not an achivement post
its only informative post