Hey! Have Ya Met...? Introductions for Sunday May 23, 2021

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 
Often we get stuck in a rut and tend to only look at what is in our feed; this causes us to miss some amazing posts. What's even worse, we miss those introduction posts of new people who are just not being seen. We decided, because we have felt the same frustration with our introduction, we are going to introduce the people we thought were deserving of your attention.


Our plan is for this to be a daily project, as daily as we can possibly do. However, with us visiting every REAL introduction post and commenting with a short personal message and link to our welcome post we run extremely low on Resource Credits. Please keep watching our posts and see who's out there when we can post a "Have Ya Met...?".

If you would like to help us be able to reach more new Steemians and weed out the real introductions for you, please consider helping us out with your delegation. Every little bit helps us to reach out a hand to those who might not ever be noticed in this big ocean of little fish.



Have ya met @yowpakingshet?


Please take a few moments and view their post and maybe encourage them with a comment and upvote. Visit their post HERE .

Have ya met @docmendax?


Please take a few moments and view their post and maybe encourage them with a comment and upvote. Visit their post HERE.

Have ya met @farisi02?


Please take a few moments and view their post and maybe encourage them with a comment and upvote. Visit their post HERE.


Часто мы застреваем в колее и склонны смотреть только на то, что находится в нашей ленте; это заставляет нас пропустить некоторые удивительные сообщения. Что еще хуже, мы пропускаем вводные посты новых людей, которых просто не замечают. Мы решили, потому что мы чувствовали то же разочарование в связи с нашим представлением, Мы представим людей, которых мы считали заслуживающими вашего внимания.

Наш план состоит в том, чтобы это был ежедневный проект, настолько ежедневный, насколько это возможно. Тем не менее, с нами, посещая каждый РЕАЛЬНЫЙ вводный пост и комментируя короткое личное сообщение и ссылку на В нашем приветственном сообщении у нас очень мало ресурсов. Пожалуйста, продолжайте следить за нашими сообщениями и узнайте, кто там, когда мы сможем опубликовать «Встречались ли вы…?».

Если вы хотите, чтобы мы могли привлекать больше новых Steemians и отсеивать для вас реальных людей, подумайте о том, чтобы помочь нам с вашей делегацией. Каждая мелочь помогает нам достучаться до тех, кого никогда не увидят в этом огромном океане рыбы.

Вы встречали @nhockij?


Пожалуйста, уделите несколько минут просмотру их поста и, возможно, подбодрите их комментариями и комментариями. Посетите их пост ЗДЕСЬ


Seringkali kita terjebak dalam kebiasaan dan cenderung hanya melihat apa yang ada di depan kita dan ini menyebabkan kita kehilangan beberapa pos yang menakjubkan. Yang lebih buruk lagi, kami kehilangan pos-pos pengantar orang-orang baru yang hanya diabaikan. Kami memutuskan, karena kami merasakan frustrasi yang sama dengan perkenalan kami, kami akan memperkenalkan orang-orang yang kami pikir layak mendapatkan perhatian Anda.

Rencana kami adalah agar ini menjadi proyek harian, setiap hari yang dapat kami lakukan. Namun, dengan kami mengunjungi setiap pos pengantar NYATA, mendukung dan berkomentar dengan pesan pribadi dan tautan, kami menjalankan sangat rendah pada Kredit Sumber Daya. Silakan terus menonton posting kami dan lihat siapa di luar sana ketika kami dapat memposting "Have Ya Met ...?".

Jika Anda ingin membantu kami untuk dapat menjangkau lebih banyak Steemians baru dan menyusun pengenalan asli untuk Anda, silakan pertimbangkan untuk membantu kami dengan delegasi Anda. Setiap bagian membantu kita untuk mengulurkan tangan kepada mereka yang mungkin tidak pernah diperhatikan di lautan besar ikan kecil ini.

Apakah kamu pernah bertemu @desaara123?


Silakan luangkan waktu sejenak dan lihat kiriman mereka dan mungkin mendorong mereka dengan komentar dan upvote. Kunjungi postingan mereka DI SINI


A menudo nos quedamos atrapados en una rutina y tendemos a mirar solo lo que está en nuestro feed; Esto nos hace perder algunas publicaciones increíbles. Lo que es aún peor, echamos de menos las publicaciones de presentación de nuevas personas que simplemente no están siendo vistas. Decidimos, porque hemos sentido la misma frustración con nuestra presentación, vamos a presentar a las personas que pensamos que merecían su atención.

Nuestro plan es que este sea un proyecto diario, tan a diario como sea posible. Sin embargo, con nosotros visitando cada publicación de introducción REAL y comentando con un breve mensaje personal y un enlace a nuestra publicación de bienvenida, nos quedamos muy bajos en Créditos de Recursos. Sigue viendo nuestras publicaciones y mira quién está ahí afuera cuando podamos publicar un "¿Ya conociste ...?".

Si desea ayudarnos a llegar a más Steemians nuevos y eliminar las presentaciones reales para usted, considere ayudarnos con su delegación. Cada poquito nos ayuda a extender una mano a aquellos que quizás nunca se noten en este gran océano de peces pequeños.

¿Alguna vez conociste a @gaby.fdj?


Por favor tómese unos minutos y vea su publicación y quizás aliéntelos con un comentario y un voto positivo. Visita su publicación AQUI.

You've Been.png

Thank you so much for joining @brittandjosie, @xcountytravelers, and @jamerussell in this endeavor. We wanted to do our part in helping new people get their introductions noticed. We understand how they must be feeling because we have been exactly where they are. @xcountytravelers was very frustrated because she knew she had a very good quality post with little reaction while other "trending" introductions were a poor quality photo and little verbiage. She was so discouraged and heartbroken; this should not happen to anyone. Therefore, we are on the lookout for these people and will do our best to bring them to your attention.

If you would like to see @xcountytraveler's introduction post HERE

If you would like to see @brittandjosie's introduction post HERE
If you would like to see @jamerussell's introduction post HERE



This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Steem accounts. If so, please contact Yoda Britt or Kitty Girl in The Terminal (a discord server) or down below in the comments. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.

Click the banner to go to our Discord Server!

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thanks sir for tagging my post here its my immense pleasure to be tagged by you
if you can please go through my posts and curate then if you find them worthy,if not then let me know what’s wrong.
again thanks alot

That’s what we do 😉

You are welcome to do so
go on i am waiting for your response

Do you know how to speak to people @docmendax? Perhaps you should reconsider how you are speaking to a co-owner of this project, I don't care much for the attitude that the young lady @brittandjosie has nothing better to do when she is one of the most prolific people on any blockchain and also in real life; she is extremely busy and came by to welcome you, not be your servant.

Go back to your intro post and reread what I gave you, and if you are seriously interested in learning, then either come into The Terminal with the invitation I gave you, or go to @cryptokannon's server "Steeming Communities" in Discord, these are all meant for your benefit, as they do not cost you Resource Credits.

i am really sorry i was unaware of this fact @jamerussell & @brittandjosie

Thank you James @jamerussell

Thanks for helping me out

You are welcome

Welcome all and don’t forget to have fun

Please sir @heyhaveyamet, I posted my achievement 1for long now and I have not been verified and it is demoralizing me to continue the task of archivement 2. Please help me check and correct me for me to be verified and continue with the level 2. Thanks
Here is the link to my assignment


Please you have not visited my introductory post here is the link below 👇


Muy buena e interente explicacion para nosotros los recien llegado yo soy de venezuela y ando algo perdido¡¡¡