Hii steemuans! . How are you. I hope all of you are fine and I hope all of you are enjoying healthy life .I am also fine and making appassionata fat in every task of my life.
Morning walk
Today I got up early in the morning. I decided to go to a morning walk. I goes to my village. There are also many people of my village. I feel comfortable and fresh. By looking at greenery I feel Fresh then I moved back to home. There Inam going to show you the scenes of my village morning time.
After this I decided to give water to plants of lawn which is in the backyard of my house.
Then i give water do the plants and the grass of my lawn and I saw that the grass of the lawn and trees the plant are also smiling and I can imagine this smile in my mind this gives me a lot of clear and healthy morning. There I am going to show you the picture of the lawn which is also gives you lot of pleasure.
Then I have to go to my village again to saw my fields there i decided to take care and go there I have Toyota choralla GLI and I go to village.There. I show you the picture my car.
When I reached my village I saw fields there and concentrate on my work. This is the business of our forefathers which they are doing over the year. And I am also interested in farming. Now I show you my Fields.
Flowers play a very important role in my life. They give pleasant and a healthy morning To me. Therefore I like flowers very much. I take care of them . I give water to them. I take care of them. They are very present.
I have every part of flower including white and red roses. Now I am going to show you these flowers.