How to join #club5050 Since you receive your first reward. Step by Step/ Cómo unirse al #club5050 Desde que recibes tu primera recompensa. Paso a paso

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Portada de Facebook Ilustrada Rosado Bautizo Niña .png

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Dear Newcomers, since we joined Steemit it is important to understand the need to strengthen our accounts by increasing our Steem Power.

To do this we must perform Power Up every time we liquidate our rewards.

Importance of doing Power Up

In Steemit doing Power Up is important so that you can strengthen and grow your account. Also opt to be chosen in content curations such as:

  • Booming
  • Crypto Academy
  • Steemcurator01 and Steemcurator02 votes

And now we will also have the cures of:

  • Community Curators

To have a chance to be eligible you need to meet these rules:

  • Steemexclusive content (Published only on the Steemit platform)
  • Non-plagiarized content.
  • Participate in club5050, club75 or club100

How to join club5050, club75, or club100


To be a club5050 participant: When you receive your reward you must Power Up with 50% of your reward and you can withdraw the remaining 50%.

You can use the #club5050 tag at the time your account balances match:
50% Transfer to Vesting.
50% Normal Transfer

You must have done Power Up at least during the last 30 days.


For club75: You must Power Up with 75% of your reward and you can withdraw the remaining 25%.

You can use the #club75 tag at the time your account balances match:
75% Transfer to vesting.
25% Normal Transfer

You must have done Power Up with this percentage (75%) during the last 2 months.


To participate in club100: You must Power Up with 100% of your rewards.

You can use the #club100 tag at the time your account balances match:
100% Transfer to vesting during the last 3 months.

To check these balances you can use the tool (explanation of how to use it in Achievement 5).


Steps to join Club5050

I will teach you step by step the procedure to join club5050 from the moment you receive your first reward.

Step 1 Convert SBD to STEEM.

The Firs is Claim your reward, click on the word Reedem:


When you click on Reddem you will see the message Claim successful:


Then you must access the wallet:


Enter your username without the @. Your Publishing password, select the "keep me logged in" box, and click Login:


In the example you can see that there you can see the 7,977 SBD that I claimed. And that I previously have a Steem Power of 17,221,338. Now you have to select the "Market" option.


Let's Buy STEEM. There in the market, you can see your available SBD, you must click where the arrow points to select your SBD:


The system will show you the price of STEEM in the internal market, and how many STEEM you will receive for your SBD, in this case I will receive 92,115 STEEM for 7,977 SBD, and I click "Buy":


The system asks if you agree, review the data and then click "OK" to accept the transaction:


The next step should be placed in the blank space Active key and again OK:


Then we can observe the Buy order. This buy order may take a few minutes to become effective, we must wait and be patient, we will see it at the bottom of the buy and sell boxes, it will look like this:


Once it becomes effective, we can already see our STEEM in the Wallet. Since I had a small previous balance, now I have 95,238 STEEM.



Step 2: Divide your reward in 2.

Being in the club5050 means that 50% of the rewards are converted into Power Up and 50% can be withdrawn.

To be in club5050 I must divide this balance by 2, and the result is 47,619 STEEM, with this I must Power Up:



Step 3: Power Up.

Now we select the Power Up Option:


To round this figure I have placed 50 STEEM. It is important that our figure is always in favor of the Power Up because we can be left out due to a calculation error, so it is always better to place one more amount in favor of the Power Up:


We review the data and then confirm:


We must enter our Active key and confirm once again:


As you can see my Steem Power increased by 50 STEEM. There is a balance of 45,238 STEEM left, which is what I can withdraw.



Important Note:

  • It is advisable to withdraw and Power Up on the same day at the same time, as a time difference will be noticed, and can be seen as an imbalance later.

  • If you make any withdrawal, you must make a Power Up with the same amount, at the same time.

  • Do not withdraw more than 50% of your rewards, thinking that you will receive more STEEM later, this is an error that simply leaves you out of Club5050. This also applies to the 75% and 100% club.


How to check the Status in club5050

You must access the tool


We will verify the balances in the transactions of the last 30 days as it is done to be within the club5050.

We first check Normal Transfer which refers to withdrawals. We put our user and the date range that covers the last 30 days, and we click on Search:


And then we check "Transfer to Vesting" which refers to our Power Up. We put our user and the date range that covers the last 30 days, and click Search:


So we can check if we are inside the clu5050.

I hope this tutorial will help you to join club5050 and start enjoying its benefits.

If you have any questions please let me know in the comments.

Thank you for reading



Portada de Facebook Ilustrada Rosado Bautizo Niña .png

Edited image on Canvas

Queridos Newcomers, desde que nos unimos a Steemit es importante comprender la necesidad de fortalecer nuestras cuentas aumentando nuestro Steem Power.

Para hacerlo debemos realizar Power Up cada vez que liquidamos nuestras recompensas.

Importancia de estar haciendo Power Up

En Steemit hacer Power Up es importante para que puedas fortalecer y hacer crecer tu cuenta. Además optar a ser elegido en las curaciones de contenido tales como:

  • Booming
  • Criptoacademia
  • Votos de Steemcurator01 y Steemcurator02

Y ahora también tendremos las curaciones de:

  • Community Curators

Para tener la oportunidad de ser elegible es necesario cumplir estas reglas:

  • Contenido #steemexclusive (Publicado únicamente en la plataforma de Steemit)
  • Contenido no plagiarizado.
  • Participar en los club5050, club75 o club100

Cómo participar en el club5050, club75, o club100


Para ser un participante de club5050: Al recibir tu recompensa debes hacer Power Up con el 50% de tu recompensa y puedes retirar el otro 50% restante.

Puedes usar la etiqueta #club5050 en el momento que los saldos de tus cuentas coinciden con:
50% Transfer to vesting.
50% Normal Transfer

Debes haber hecho Power Up al menos durante los últimos 30 días.


Para el club75: Debes hacer Power Up con el 75% de tu recompensa y puedes retirar el 25% restante.

Puedes usar la etiqueta #club75 en el momento que los saldos de tus cuentas coinciden con:
75% Transfer to vesting.
25% Normal Transfer.

Debes haber hecho Power Up con este porcentaje (75%) durante los 2 últimos meses.


Para participar en el club100: Debes hacer Power Up con el 100% de tus recompensas.

Puedes usar la etiqueta #club100 en el momento que los saldos de tus cuentas coinciden con:
100% Transfer to vesting durante los 3 ultimos meses.

Para chequear estos saldos puedes utilizar la herramienta (explicación de cómo usarla en el Logro 5).


Pasos para unirse al Club5050

Te enseñare paso a paso el procedimiento para unirse al club5050 desde el momento que recibas tu primera recompensa.

Paso 1: Convierte el SBD a STEEM.

Lo primero que debes hacer es Reclamar tu recompensa, haz clic en la palabra Reedem:


Al hacer clic en Reddem verás el mensaje Claim successful:


Después debes acceder a la Wallet:


Coloca tu nombre de usuario sin el @. Tu contraseña de Publicación, selecciona el recuadro "manténme logeado", y has clic en Iniciar sesión:


En el ejemplo puedes ver que allí se puede ver los 7.977 SBD que reclame. Y que tengo previamente un Steem Power de 17,221.338. Ahora hay que seleccionar la opción Mercado


Vamos a Comprar STEEM. Allí en mercado, puedes ver tus SBD disponibles, debes hacer clic allí donde señala la flecha para seccionar tus SBD:


El sistema te mostrará el precio del STEEM en el mercado interno, y cuantos STEEM recibirás por tus SBD, en este caso recibiré 92.115 STEEM por 7.977 SBD, y hago clic en Comprar:


El sistema preguntará si estas de acuerdo, revisas los datos y luego haces clic en OK para aceptar la transacción:


En el siguiente paso se debe colocar en el espacio en blanco la Clave Activa y de nuevo Aceptar:


Luego podemos observar la Orden de Compra. Esta orden de compra puede tardar en hacerse efectiva unos minutos, debemos esperar y tener paciencia, la veremos en la parte inferior de los recuadros de compra y venta, se verá así:


Una vez que se haga efectiva, ya podemos ver nuestros STEEM en la Wallet. Como yo tenía un pequeño saldo previo ahora tengo 95.238 STEEM.



Paso 2: Divide tu recompensa en 2.

Estar en el club5050 significa que el 50% de las recompensas se convierten en Power Up y 50% se pueden retirar.

Para estar en el club5050 debo dividir este saldo en 2, y el resultado es 47.619, con esto debo hacer Power Up:



Paso 3: Hacer Power Up

Ahora seleccionamos la Opción Power Up:


Para redondear esta cifra he colocado 50 STEEM. Es importante que nuestra cifra este siempre a favor del Power Up porque podemos quedar fuera por algún error de calculo, entonces siempre es mejor colocar una cantidad más a favor del Power Up:


Revisamos los datos y luego confirmamos:


Debemos introducir nuestra Clave activa y confirmar una vez más:


Como pueden ver mi Steem Power aumento en 50 STEEM. Queda un saldo de 45.238 que es el que puedo retirar.



Nota Importante:

  • Es aconsejable hacer retiro y Power Up el mismo día a la misma hora, pues una diferencia de tiempo se notará, y se puede ver como un desbalance posteriormente.

  • Si realizas cualquier retiro, debes hacer un Power Up con la misma cantidad, en el mismo momento.

  • No realices retiros superiores al 50% de tus recompensas, pensando que recibirás más STEEM después, esto es un error que simplemente te deja por fuera del Club5050. Esto también es aplicable al club 75% y 100%.

Cómo verificar el Status en el club5050

Debes acceder a la herramienta


Vamos a verificar los saldos en las transacciones de los últimos 30 días según se hace para estar dentro del club5050.

Primero verificamos Normal Transfer que se refiere a los retiros. Colocamos nuestro usuario y el rango de fechas que abarca los últimos 30 días, y hacemos clic en Search:


Y luego verificamos "Transfer to Vesting" que se refiere a nuestros Power Up. Colocamos nuestro usuario y el rango de fechas que abarca los últimos 30 días, y hacemos clic en Search:


Así podemos comprobar si estamos dentro del clu5050.

Espero que este tutorial les sirva para unirse al club5050 y empezar a disfrutar de sus beneficios.

Si tienen cualquier duda por favor haganmela saber en los comentarios.

Gracias por leer.


Las imágenes que no señalan fuente fueron tomadas de la plataforma y


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Hello @inspiracion,
my achievement 1 task has expired and it has not been verified nor curated. Its 12days now.. The link is below. thanks on anticipation

please help me, am stuck at achievement 1. help me verify me please.

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Wow, such great information shared by you. I think the reward you got from this post must be more than what it is now. By the way, I am also excited to join #club5050.

What does withdrawing mean? Does it include giving it to other people or?

What are the achievements?

Thank you for the update is much appreciated

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Thanks very much its really gonna be helpfull.buh please can u help me check my achievement 1 post

Gone thru your post ma'am @inspiracion ,it is very informative and educative, you have mentioned every steps very concisely, learnt a lot, thanks once again.


First, we have to earn rewards...
Could you please guide us on how we get more upvotes?

Thank you so much for this post. I will join club #5050.

Excelente publicación, muchas veces andamos con dudas pero siempre aparece alguien y te lo explica.😊

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hii please mam see my first post on this platform this is not verify and i posed this 5 days ago please check and verify please.


Good post for all new users.

Me parece muy buena esta publicación. Excelente como explicas todo el proceso para los recién llegados

Hola, muchas gracias 😊

You are doing great mam. Thank you for sharing this post and I hope all the new comers will get help from it for joining clubs and power up. 😍

Thank you so much 😊🌻

Excelente artículo @inspiracion. De no confesar que no entendía mucho del tema hasta q lo leí.

I have met the requirements of future players because I see this post is good and I do activities every time the results of the prizes I will always use powerups, never interesting at all and my goal is to participate in this steemit platform to be an honest and classy player.🤗🤗🌹🐬

How did you do achievement 4 if you don't have achievement 3 verified? that doesn't make sense.

Hoy hice mi primer Power Up sin ningún problema gracias a la fácil explicación que expusiste. Gracias de nuevo!

Que bien que te haya servido 😊

gracias por este material dicipo mucha duda, segun el ultimo capture que esta en tu post, si yo solo he hecho power up, quiere decir que ya estoy en el club 5050?

Sí, lo importante es que vayas haciendo power up con el 50% de tus recompensas (al menos).

Puedes usas la etiqueta.

Cuanto sp debo tener para unirme al club5050?? O es cada vez que publique tengo que convertir?? O se debe transferir semanal o mensual?? Al configurar la entrada 50/50 es cuando puedo usar esta etiqueta del club5050??Tengo esa duda.


This is one of the most useful posts ive actaully read lol. thank you, i gave u a vote c:

Thanks so much @inspiracion for this lecture. It's quite a timely one indeed. But permit me to ask this pertinent question. Can one steep down from any of these to the other one . I mean for insta, as a newbie when I joined steemit, I powered up all my earnings which of course qualifies me to be in club100 according to you lecture, as time progresses, I now have need for money to make some withdrawal s, can I step down from #club100 to #club75 or #club50?

Yes, my friend, you can choose between the 3 clubs the one you want.

The important thing is that you must be at least in club5050.

Okay dearly beloved friend thanks for your kindhearted reply r

Thank you mam. It would be really helpful for new users who don't how to power up and SBD conversion.

Thank you 😊

very helpful for all new users, including me when starting the current power up.

Hey @inspiracion how r u?
Your post is very good we all steemers learn very things through your post ...very good work ❤❤ i shall hope you will grow very fast on this platform❤❤❤

Gracias por esta información tan valiosa, en verdad aclaré varias dudas que tenía acerca del club5050, saludos.

Nice and informative tutorial, I love it, thanks for the info

Great write-up @inspiracion! This is exactly what I've been looking for since I just received my 1st reward! Thank you for sharing.🙏

Your Welcome.

excelente explicación , claro voy a verificar mi status y en consecuencia mi uniré al #club5050 ***tan pronto el Internet sea mas fluido*** gracias @solopast

excelente explicación

As a new user, if i get first reward and power up all steem. Can I use club100 next time or wait for 3 months ?

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

my regards. please support

Entiendo que para pertenecer al club5050 hay que convertir los SteemDollar de tu recompenza a Steem y el 50% de Steemit convertirlas a power up.

Hago power up en mi cuenta?

No entiendo como se validaría mi integración al club 50/50 (en mi caso) al culminar mi proceso de power up?

My achievement 3 task is yet to be verified. It is now 3 days since i posted it and you can access it using this link


Good day . I am new here and i did just finished my achievement 2 and waiting for the approval.
My question is when can i get my reward ?
Can I join club 100 with my first reward?
Where can I read a post about trx or tron?
Can I sign up for a tron account?
There's nobody I can ask.

Wow thanks to you all thats information was helpful to me

Nice one, now I understand what club5050 is.

Aha so that's what the club is all about.

Thank you so much for the post, It is very helpful.

I'll be leaving a link to my achievement 1 here. Just in case you'll be able to have a look at it.

Thank you
It is a really informative post.

So helping for newcomers , thank you


Thanks for sharing such useful content

Thank you so much for sharing this.
Very helpful

Thank you very much for this information

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Very good information

Thank you. You have explained the Club 5050, Club 75, and Club 100 in a very easy-to-understand way. I know If I want to join Club 5050, I will need to power up my 50% reward by 30 points.

My question is, can I use the Club 5050 tag in my posts from now or only after 30 days?

When you do a steem delegation to someone else from your account do you weaken your account influence power?

Hi clarvin

Yes that's how it is. Although you can receive other benefits in exchange for delegation. That depends on who you delegate to.

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

Hi @inspiracion I understand but are the proceeds implemented by the delegatie's discretion?

Very impressive content