Achievement 3: content etiquettes by @iretiola

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello my good people of steemit, am happy to be in this stage. An with my achievement 3 has require by this wonderful community, I am @iretiola by username, going through the lecture of this assignment has really added to my experience here on steemit, and am happy am part of steemit family and this community. Over to the achievement task.


What is plagiarism?
I see plagiarism as a pretendious attitude of providing someone a else content, work, picture, or art as your own.
It is simply a act of stealing another peoples work with the aim of getting reward for if

"to steal and pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own”. Simply put, plagiarism is the process of taking other people’s words and/or ideas and pretending that they are your own." Source

Though some content might require bringing another person's work, but then, there should be proper reference to the source of the content just as the definition above and the picture below.

download (1).jpeg


This will not only give reference to the origin of the work but also honour the content owner. By following this rules we will not be Flagg for plagiarism.

"I have read and understood the steemit Etiquette on steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"


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  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hola @iretiolairetiolairetiola, te felicito, has tomado la mejor decisión. Te deseo éxito en tus nuevas tareas y en tu carrera en Steemit.
• Te invito a nuestra comunidad DraftCrearte, una comunidad para expresar el artista que llevamos por dentro. Desde ya puede participar en los concursos de esta semana.