How do I start my daily morning in a healthy way?

in hive-172186 •  10 months ago 

We often say, if the morning cannot be started well; The whole day is the soil! It's true. Most of the day's activities depend on how you start your day. If for some reason you are in a bad mood or suffering from anxiety since morning; Then it can have a negative effect on you throughout the day. That is why it is very important to have a healthy and beautiful morning routine.


Most people's mornings begin with various responsibilities in mind. Getting up in the morning to make breakfast, cooking for the kids or taking care of the pet or getting ready for work etc. Since no one can escape from duty; So we all need a healthy morning routine.

If we follow the routine and complete all the tasks then there will be a chance to breathe freely. At the same time it will make us mentally stronger and at the same time increase our performance.


Let's find out how to start a healthy routine for yourself every morning. However, it must be remembered that if you want to stay healthy, you must maintain its flow every day; It is not enough to follow the routine for a day or two. You can make this routine more effective by aligning it with your health goals and lifestyle.

Setting a morning alarm:
The first task of the day is to wake up at the right time. You have to wake up a little early in the morning. Set the alarm so that you have enough time to do the morning tasks. Suppose if your kids wake up at 6:30 then you have to get up earlier. If you don't have children, you can get up a little later. But it is better to be ready for morning work by seven o'clock. But night sleep should be sufficient. For that you need to sleep early at night.

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Let the day begin with a free breath:
Almost all of us wake up in the morning and the first thing we do is pick up our mobile phone. A kind of anxiety may arise in you if you see all the strange news or messages of the virtual world in the morning.

So instead of mobile, start the day with six long deep breaths. This will increase your focus on work. You will feel a kind of positive energy within you. Not only this, it also keeps your body in shape.

Not coffee, water first:
Various studies have shown that if a glass of water is consumed in the morning after waking up, then the metabolism of the body increases up to 30 percent. When we breathe during sleep, water leaves the body through sweat.


An adult's body contains 60 percent water; Therefore, researchers believe that drinking water is definitely beneficial for health.

Body Movement:
We wake up in the morning and wake up. There is a reason behind this. After lying in the same position all night, our body becomes stiff. Then the body needs to move, so this instinct should be made into a routine.

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Instead of going to work as soon as you wake up, you can take a light walk or exercise for a while during the day. Movement of all body parts should be ensured. If you want, you can also do a little yoga.

Make time for exercise:
Most of us don't have time to exercise in the morning. But there is no problem. But you can include physical exercise in some of your daily habits. You can do push-ups for a while in the morning before taking a bath. Once exercise becomes a habit, you can't get out of it.

Set your mind right:
A few minutes of meditation or 'dhyana' after waking up in the morning can help you focus on the day's activities. This clears the vision and removes distractions from the mind.


10 minutes of meditation will help you clear your mind for the rest of the day. There are numerous apps on the internet that will teach you how to meditate.

Practicing gratitude in yourself can reduce a lot of suffering. It is very effective in keeping you mentally healthy. Wake up every morning and go for a walk to watch the sunrise. You can write down what you are grateful for in life. During meditation you can also feel gratitude for these achievements in your life.

Make your own bed:
Try to make your own bed every morning after waking up. As a result, you will feel responsible. Also, your personal space will be clean.

Repetition of routine:
The hardest thing is to 'repeat' the routine. There is nothing to panic about if some parts of the routine are left out sometimes. Start again the next morning with renewed vigor.

Setting goals for success:
In most cases, the attitude that drives people towards routine is - I must succeed.

If you want to find time for yourself in the morning, you should follow the same routine at night. Make some plans at night to de-stress. For example, packing clothes to get ready the next morning or putting forward breakfast. Waking up early in the morning is undoubtedly a difficult task, but not impossible!

Every moment is precious in our life. So if you want to follow a healthy morning routine. Then start tomorrow!

#Healthy-Lifestyle #Helthy-Morning #Refresment #Bangladesh

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