Recently, there is this news on the internet of a man who kicked his wife on the chest which later resulted to her death. News of domestic violence of different level and dimensions are now regularly heard and seen on local news and social media. In this article,we are going to examine seven reasons why you should love and cherish your wife.
When your wife was praying and waiting for her husband, she met many other men who wanted to marry her. She rejected other men and agreed to marry you. Some of the men she rejected may be richer, more handsome and more important than you.Some women even go the extent of disobeying their parents in order to marry the man of their choice. The women who made such a sacrifice deserves your love and should not be used as a punching bag.
A woman have to change her family name to go for her husband's family name. Women from royal and wealthy family have to drop or alter their father's name and begin to go by their husband's name which may even be unknown. Even if the name is tagged with something bad, the woman will inherit whatever is associated with her husband's family name.
After marrying your wife,you inherit all her asset automatically.In places where women are added during the sharing of their father's property, cars, houses etc given to the woman is handed over to the husband. Some women through their own family resources established their husband's business and enhance his
financial growth.
When the going becomes tough for a man, the wife is always there to support and encourage him. When a man's pocket is dry, all his side chicks and girl friends will leave him, only to come back when things improves. When a man is suffering from a protracted sickness maybe urinating on his sick bed, the wife will be there to take good care of him. No side chick can do that because she doesn't love the man,she is only interested in his money. A wife can sell her personal belongings to support her family when the going becomes tough.
Your wife gave birth to all your children who will eventually take care of you at old age. Your wife is always there to take care of your children in your absence. Your wife is unique because only her can give birth to these particular
children you have now No other woman can give birth to the same set of children. When there is little food in the house, your wife will starve herself so that the children can eat
Your side chick will demand money,
phone, chicken and expensive drinks before she will agree to give her body to you. But your wife is always ready for you without any condition or demand.To me,only a FOOL in capital letter will pay $20 for the same food he will get free in the same store. Appreciate your wife because all women are the same.
Men hardly forgive their wife's unfaithfulness. Some men will kill their wife or disgrace and send her home if she is caught with another man. A wife on the other hand will easily forgive her husband if caught with another woman. If he tenders an apology, that is the only thing a wife requires from the husband. Some women even cover their husband unfaithfulness in order to protect her family's integrity.She will continue with the marriage not minding her husband's unfaithfulness.Some men hardly apologize to their wife even when they are wrong.
All married couple and those intending to go into marriage should always understand that marriage is a give and take relationship. When you offered your partner apologize, and when your partner offends you, forgive. Men please don't harm or kill your wife because you will forever regret it. You will also face the full wrath of the law. If there is any problem between you and your wife, it can easily be resolved. When the two couples can no longer stay together, they can separate peacefully instead of one to kill the other.
In conclusion,with these seven reasons given above you will agree with me that your wife is your best friend and true lover.
I pray that every married couple will enjoy their marriage and remain blessed.