Achievement 3 content etiquette@joseph-101

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Good day to every member of the steemit community,today I will be talking more on what content etiquette is all about.

First and foremost I will start by explaining what content etiquette means.

Content etiquette can simply be defined as those principles and procces which a content writer need to follow when writing, inother to prevent copying of other people's work and also to produce a wonderful writeup.

In carrying out the work of a content writer there are certain things one needs to avoid and there are as follows:



Plagiarism is one of the important thing a content writer need to avoid when writing a write up because plagiarism involves the act of copying someone's write up or work without making proper reference to the owner of the write up and in academics this act is regarded as cheating and it is also has a serious consequences in academics.

So as a content writer one need to follow some rules and principles which is known as the content etiquette in other to prevent the act of plagiarism because this act can lead to your work being ruined or destroyed.

There are several ways a content writer can commit the act of plagiarism and there are as follows :

  • Direct plagiarism.

  • Complete plagiarism.

  • Source based plagiarism.

  • Self or auto plagiarism.

Direct plagiarism.

This is the act of plagiarism in which a writer copies the exact write-up of another writer, that is copying it word to word without applying any changes.
This direct plagiarism is also known as verbatim.
So in other to prevent this act of plagiarism the writer needs to reference the source of his or her write up.

Complete plagiarism.

This is the highest form of plagiarism,here the writer takes the original write up or work of another writer and submits it as his or her own work.
This is a serious academic offence and can result to distruction of your work.

Source based plagiarism.

This is a form of plagiarism in which a writer uses a wrong source or a source which does not exist.

Self or auto plagiarism.

This is the form of plagiarism in which a writer makes duplication of another writers work. Here a writer uses a significant phase without citing or giving credit to the writer.

The consequences of plagiarism.
Plagiarism has a serious consequences and there are:

  • plagiarism is a serious academic offense an it can lead to distruction of your work thereby rendering it invalid.

  • Plagiarism can lead to your work not been recognizing in the society.

  • Plagiarism can lead to been chased out or expelled from your institution of study.

Citation of source.

As a writer one needs to avoid improper or inaccurate citation,so it is important to cite the source of your work.

Example of citation.

Sumantran, Venkat, et al. Faster, Smarter, Greener: The Future of the Car and Urban Mobility. MIT P, 2017.
Note: From three authors on, cite only the first author given followed by et al.

It is necessary that one should avoid the act of plagiarism because the act is not acceptable in the steemit community.
So as a member of this community I will make sure that I try my possible best to prevent plagiarism.

Special regards to


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Hi dear, thank you for your effort in creating this achievement post. However, you still need to add a citation example using blockquote.
It is one of the requirements for verification of your achievement 3 post

I have done that ma,thanks

Below is an example of citation:

There is no darkness but ignorance_William shakespeare

It is achieved by adding ">" sign before the text

add one to your post

I have doneit ma
Thanks alot
I really appreciate

Thats a good post their

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