My 1st Progress report on the Steemit platform.

in hive-172186 •  4 months ago  (edited)

Assalamualikum, everyone(Peace be upon you).

This is @jubayedhossen91
From #bangladesh

I hope you all are doing well. I'm also fine by the grace of almighty Allah, Alhamdulillah. Today, I'm very excited to share my first progress report on Steemit platform. I joined this marvelous platform on September 22, 2024 and spent about 56 days (September 22, 2024 to November 17,2024) on this platform successfully. I first know about Steemit from @junaidahmed bhai. Special thanks to him for kind introduction to this exceptional platform where we can spread our creativity around the world from different countries. I've been exploring this platform and learning about its vast potential actively from the begging.

Let get started to write about my experiences with Steemit through my 1st progress report.


summary of the communities you've joined, why you've joined them, which you like the most, and why.

As a new comer I have joined a total of 40 communities. At first I didn't even know what the functions of these communities was. It is mainly because of excitement that they are associated with it.
At first, I joined the Newcomers' Community and my first published post on this community was Achievement-1: My First Introduction Post. I was very surprised to see that if anyone wants to join Steemit, he/she must post about his/her introduction on Newcomer's community which is all about the person's overall identity. I have done my introduction post well.
Secondly, I joined Steem For Bangladesh community, and I like this community most. This is where I got the highest of support. Steem for Bangladesh community is my comfort zone in which I can express my activities without any fear. In this community I have a group of supportive members who help all newcmers a lot and discuss with each other. Every Friday 9pm, a group meeting arranges in discord group that is powered by @mostofajaman sir. He is very supportive to all of us. In this meeting, we can ask our question and find appropriate solution.
Once in a while I post on Steem for Pakistan, Beauty of Creativity, CCS.

topics you've been writing about.

I have basically written about my daily lifestyle, photography, composed poetry, short story. Most of the I share my painting, art and craft.

list of key people you've interacted with. An introduction to the people who have had the biggest impact on your experience so far (NOT an opportunity to tag whales) and the unexpected relationships that you've experienced.

After join here I have made interaction with different people. I can build good interactions with @mostofajaman sir and @pea07 ma'am. They both are very friendly moderators. Meet with @shahriar33 sir who always appreciates my work. Also meet with @tonmoy2002, @zisha-hafiz apu and rumanaafroz apu. I communicate through discord if face any problem and get solution from all of them.

@mostofajaman, @junaidahmed and @shahriar33 are the people who have had the biggest influence on my experience so far. Their support always encourage me.

Most successful post - Why do you think it was successful?

My most successful post which tittle is "Contest- artmosphere-w3 draw sunset scene."
I've got the mental satisfaction on this post. Actually, I paint many thinks, but it was totally different and mind-blowing.

The reason of thinking it was a successful post is that I can express painting content and the process following this panting clearly defined in this post, and this post is more accepted by the others.

observations - What have you learned and discovered that you weren't expecting to?

Through the 56-days journey on Steemit, I have learned about

  • The requirements that must achieve to write post in any community.
  • How to make a quality post using appropriate markdown.
  • How to resteem post.
    *How to communicate with other users
  • How to edit post using text-justify
  • How to power up
  • How to transfer steam from Binance.
  • How to use Discord for communication
  • The uses and the importance of @.

Your plan and expectations for the next month on the platform (please don't mention growing your account!)

My plan for next month on the platform is to spread my activities more than the last month. Increase performance with painting, diary game, tour experiences, photography, participating in various community contest and also increase the interaction among the uses. Actually, I'm trying to grow-up my creativity and express it using this community. And the appreciations are enhanced my confidence and quality as well.

My Introduction post on Steemit:

Thank you so much

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Welcome to Steemit, I hope you will enjoy the experience!


Welcome to steemit platform you made a great choice by joining steemit platform. Feel free to ask questions we are here to help each other and remember to give beautiful comments on others post.

wellcome brother to steemit

Hi @jubayedhossen91, you're doing great! 😊 I really admire your painting work; you’re so talented and creative! Keep being consistent and work on building your network as well. Wishing you all the best!

Congratulations on completing your first progress report! Keep up the good work, and please come back in one month to share your second progress report with us. Wishing you continued success!