#Achievement 3 by @kemfon Task: Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello fellow steemians, its indeed great to be part of this system of learning and I hope you feel same too.

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Plagiarism is quite common especially when it comes to learning in school, writing of research works, articles or assignments owing to the fact of high advances in technology which has provided an easy basis for learning and fact or information findings. Actually it’s okay to use someone work or ideas but you have to cite the source. Example “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” [Source](https://www.google.com/search?q=inspirational+quotes&oq=inpir&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.6336j0j4&client=ms-android-transsion-itel-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)

By doing this act, you credit the source and someone going through this write up can easily know where you got the words from or if it's actually your work. Now depending on the type of plagiarism committed and rules set by an institution one could face severe punishment like failing a course or expulsion or suspension. To avoid these, getting know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it is of relevance.

What is plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of owning or claiming one’s original work, intellectual property (this includes photos, paper work, videos and music) or ideas without proper citation or crediting of its source.

Types of Plagiarism
Copy and paste or Direct Plagiarism: This involve copying of a section or write up word for word or verbatim without its quotation.
Mosaic Plagiarism: This includes picking or copying a phrase in different source materials and then putting them together to form a new work without proper citation or reference. More like picking different pieces of material to do a patch work.
Global Plagiarism: It’s the ownership one’s entire work eg. Writing a project which should take a different approach, methods or methodology but copied an entire source material done by someone else.
Self-Plagiarism: Is the branding or recycling of your own previous work or publication to resemble a new research work.

Consequence of Plagiarism
It demeans an individual’s reputation and may lead to loss of job
For writer it might damage the chances of other publication and opportunities

How to avoid Plagiarism

  1. The use of a quotation signs ['’ ‘’]or markup[>]; This often used when a passage of interest or write-up is capture from a source material to paper work under study or investigation.
  2. Recapitulating an information or data from its original source in your own original ideas and opinion.
  3. Providing adequate, proper and accurate citation of a phrase or quote from a source material.
  4. Usage of plagiarism detector.

Knowing what Plagiarism is all about and how to avoid it is very vital and worth learning and I believe it will improve the quality and originality of my content.
Thanks for stopping by.

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