RE: My Achievement 1: Verification Through By @king0046

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My Achievement 1: Verification Through By @king0046

in hive-172186 •  8 months ago 

As said sir, I have uploaded simple pictures with no editing on Steemit and I have also given my social media account link please and respected sir now verify my post.

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Thank you for attaching your social media link. For verification, please attach your old social media link


Thank you very much sir for verifying my account but this is my almost two years old account which I am using as you can see below picture and this is my account I have been working on it since last two years. doing then my friend told me about steemit so now i decided to leave tik tok and join steemit platform and put my first post but now i have started journey in steemit and i hope My post will be verified so that I can start my journey on this platform.


You can attach an active social media link like this so that verification can be carried out

Maybe you didn't open the display to the public or you sent the wrong link so nothing appears on this account

Sir I checked my account is not private but public account please check again and access my account by scanning here with this Qr code my account is public and I am not doing any kind of fraud but I AM A GOOD CITIZEN WHO ALWAYS WORKS ON THE BASIS OF TRUTH PLEASE CONFIRM AND VERIFY MY POST

Sir My Tik Tok Account Link


Sir I have followed and seen what you said and I asked him to give the link again this time and also his qr code so that you can access his account by clicking the link correctly or Scan the QR code to access his account and get and wish you a happy Eid al-Fitr.