Have you retrieved all your keys on steemit?
Well, this is a tough one. The world is a very unpredictable place to live, so I would say I have not because at some point in the future something may occur that causes me to lose or forget the keys that I have retrieved so far, to be lost. But is that the answer the person writing the questions is looking for, No, what they want is an understanding of my comprehension of what I read. Let me try again.
Do I have all the Keys on steemit I will make a checklist and show off some of my markdown skills as well
- Post Key - Check
This key is my best friend we do everything together here on steemit, with this key I can log in, post, vote, comment, and resteem. It will also help me make more friends by allowing me to follow other steemers. Not sure steemers, is the right term we should look that up
This key will also allow me to mute someone if I feel like I need to. Nice to know I have a tool against those pesky trolls.
Active key- Check
This key is more like my wife it handles the more sensitive topics that I might need when I am on steem. It allows me to:- Transfer funds I am not sure where to it yet, but I am sure you will be the last to know when I do find out
- Power-up/down transactions
I know this one. Powering up is how you stake the steem that you have earned. It then becomes SP steem power. I love
the play on words. - Convert Steem Dollars
If I have steem I can convert it to steem dollars. This key gives me that power. - voting for witnesses This sounds way too serious for me, need to learn more
- Update profile details
I have done this. Still get the hang of posting images. I do not think you can post SVG's will have to look deeper into
that. - Avatar Okay, I get an avatar like what! Wait, is this just my pic?
Owner key- Check
This key is a stand-in for my master password, yet one more layer of security. Will only use it if my account has been stolen and I need to change my keys for some reason, which I think I covered in the opening.Memo key- Check
This key is special it allows users to encrypt and decrypt memos when transferring funds using the Active Key. The user must also use a #, but that is the answer to a later question.
Do you know each of these key functions and restrictions?
I do I think I went overboard and covered most of the functions and restrictions with my first answer.
Below is what I missed
When in doubt always use the Post Key because even if it does not work the interface will tell you which key to use.
How do you plan to keep your master password?
Yes, with this bad boy at my side, I will never have to fear. I will always be able to restore my account no matter what troubles I may see. I have written it down on paper and stored it in a safe somewhere in the USA. I also stored a few other places offline maybe a USB drive, maybe a hard drive, it should be safe.
Do you know how to transfer your steem token to another steem user account?
Following these simple steps to accomplish this task.
- Click on the down arrow next to the number of Steem tokens. This can be found on the user's wallet page held in the wallet section of one’s account, then click Transfer in the dropdown box shown below.
You will see the following menu
- A. Enter the name of the account to whom they want to transfer the tokens.
- B. Put the number of tokens in the field shown above
- C. Enter a memo if desired.
- Click Next to finish
Do you know how to power up your STEEM?
A user will use the same dropdown box, next to the Steem number, that they used in the last question.
- 1 Select Power-Up
- 2 Enter the quantity of Steem
- 3 Clicks Power Up
Now you're done
by Kurick