The constitutional name of Bangladesh is The People's Republic of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh gained independence on 16th December 1971.
The capital of this country is Dhaka.
Chittagong is the commercial capital of Bangladesh.
The area of this country is 1.47.570 square km or 55 thousand square miles.
Bangladesh's position in the world on the basis of size is 90th.
The name of the legislative body of this country is Parliament or National Assembly.
The number of divisions of Bangladesh is 7.
Number of City Corporations – 6.
Border districts of this country - 32.
The two countries bordering Bangladesh are India and Myanmar.
Population growth rate- 1.32%.
The average life expectancy of people here is 66.8 years.
Per capita income of the people of this country - 750 US dollars.
Annual average rainfall of Bangladesh- 203 cm.
Total number of rivers flowing over this country - 203.
The average rate of the people of this country- 548% (source- economic boundaries 2010 and Ministry of Primary Education Ban Beis = 65.5%)
Position of Bangladesh in terms of population - ninth.
Highest rainfall in this country- Lalkhan in Sylhet district.
Lalpur in Natore District has the lowest rainfall.
Warmest month- April.
Coldest month- April.
The southernmost district of Bangladesh- Cox's Bazar.
All North District- Panchagarh.
The southernmost district of Bangladesh- Cox's Bazar.
All North District- Panchagarh.
Sea ports of Bangladesh- 2.
International Airports – 3.
Population Density- 990 people per sq km. A.
Most densely populated district – Dhaka.
Least densely populated district- Bandarban.
Bangladesh became a member of the United Nations in 1974.
Bangladesh is the 136th member of the United Nations.
Origin, location, boundaries and extent of Bangladesh
The origin of the name Bangladesh is in the following order – Bengal > Subah-i Bangla > East Bengal > East Pakistan > Bangladesh.
Geographical location of Bangladesh - 20 34 north latitude to 15 38 north latitude and 88 01 east longitude to 92 41 east longitude.
Bangladesh borders- West Bengal in India, West Bengal, Meghalaya and Assam in North India, Assam, Tripura, Mizoram and Myanmar in East India, Bay of Bengal in South Bangladesh.
Area of Bangladesh- 1,47,570 square km. or 56,977 square miles.
Southernmost place of Bangladesh- Chhera Island (if not then it will be Saint Martin).
The most eastern place of Bangladesh - Akhainthong (Thanchi, Bandarban).
Western Place of Bangladesh - Manaksa (Shivagarh, Chapai Nawabganj).
Bangladesh Northernmost place of Bangladesh- Jagir Jot, Bangla Bandha.
The largest division of Bangladesh by area- Chittagong.
The smallest division of Bangladesh by area- Sylhet.
Rangamati is the largest district in Bangladesh by area.
The smallest district of Bangladesh in terms of area- Meherpur.
Shyamnagar (Satakhira) is the largest upazila of Bangladesh by area.
Which province of India lies south of Bangladesh - Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
The length of the coastal range of Bangladesh is 711 km.
The political sea limit of Bangladesh is 12 nautical miles.
The length of the economic sea limit of Bangladesh is 200 nautical miles or 370.4 km.
Indian states bordering Bangladesh - 5.
Districts bordering Bangladesh - 32.
Districts bordering Bangladesh with India – 30.
Districts bordering Bangladesh with Myanmar - 3.
India and Myanmar share a common border with which district of Bangladesh – Rangamati.
India has no connection with any district of Bangladesh – Bandarban and Cox's Bazar.
Length of Farakka Dam in India from Bangladesh border- 16.5 km. or 11 miles.
Crossed through Bangladesh – Tropic of Cancer or 90° East Meridian or Tropic of Cancer.
India-Bangladesh Border Agreement signed on 16 May 1974.
Location of Bangladesh is in tropical region.
• Outskirts and border areas of Bangladesh
Bangladesh India Border Agreement Signed - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Indira Gandhi.
Bangladesh India Boundary Agreement signed - 16 May 1974 (New Delhi).
All Chit Mahals of Bangladesh belong to Cooch Behar District of West Bengal, India.
Subject matter of 'Mujib-Indira Pact- 1974' related to enclaves - living in one's own house.
In exchange for 'Tin Bigha Corridor', Bangladesh gives India - Beru Bari enclave.
India opened the 'Three Bigha Corridor' to Bangladesh - on 26 June 1992.
There are 111 enclaves of India inside Bangladesh.
Bangladesh has 51 Chit Mahals in India.
The enclaves of India and Bangladesh are defined as per the Radcliffe Commission.
Most of India's enclaves are in Bangladesh-Lalmonir Hat district (59).
Bangladesh shares border with India- 5 states.
Bangladesh has border connections with two countries – India and Myanmar.
Districts bordering Bangladesh with India- 30.
These three districts of Bangladesh-India and Myanmar share common border in which district- Rangamati district.
The place called 'Padua' occupied by India is situated on Sylhet border.
India has no border connection with Barisal Division of Bangladesh.
The name of the committee formed to demarcate the border between Bangladesh and India is JBWF (Joint Boundary Working Groups).
Unmarked border points between Bangladesh and India – 3.
'Three Bigha Corridor' is located in Lalmonirhat district of Bangladesh.
• Soil geography of Bangladesh
Aluminum is the most abundant in the soil of Bangladesh