It's always a great pleasure posting my article on this platform for you my fellow steemians to read. Most importantly, I believe that you are doing excellently well. In this write-up, I'll be sharing my first day experience in school. I enjoin you to patiently glance through the post.
Immediately it clocks 00:00 hours on 1st January of every year, the next thing to erupts in the mind of teachers and students is school resumption. This begins to direct the activities of the aforementioned towards preparing for the new term resumption. As a teacher, it is expected of me to resume before the students, prolly a week before the students resume. Unfortunately, this new term's resumption date couldn't permit such. Nevertheless, here is how my first day in school went.
In the morning of 11th January 2022, I woke up with a great delight because I was going to meet my beautiful students in school. I started off the day with a heartfelt morning devotion which was snappy. I rushed into the shower room and did justice to my body and quickly ran out of there into my room to dress my body for the task ahead.
When I got to my workplace, it was a little lively because few staff had already arrived before me and we cheered one another up with sweet pleasantries and festival wishes. In few minutes later, I started seeing my students entering gradually. After the greetings, we held our morning assembly.
Everybody both teachers and staff was enjoined to collectively conduct a mop up clean up in the school compound which lasted for few minutes.
At the conclusion of the clean up, I began my lesson note formation on mathematics. The students entered their respective classrooms for their lesson to begin. I also taught that day but every of my lessons were strictly on revision of last term's work.
As it is said, 'all work and no play make Jack a dull boy', I played my usual table tennis game with a fellow teacher. Although the teacher was more professional than I, I still enjoyed the game.
It was really a great day, seeing all my friends looking astonishing and healthy in the new year. Everyone just appeared with an overwhelming glow that blinds the eye.
I hope you enjoyed the article. Thank you for your time. I appreciate you, @kingreechy my guide for your support.