in hive-172186 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Hello wonderful people in this community and platform. I trust that we are doing great today and having a good time.

I am here for my achievement 3 Task and we'd be learning all about Content etiquette. Basically we will discuss on plagiarism,definitions,types and how it can be avoided. Follow me closely

What is Plagiarism?

Well,let's talk about you. Now after toiling day and night, with a lot of reading, researching, typing, deleting, re-typing, writing, investing, for days,months...sometimes years and finally you got the contents and words right and its been published and your name is boldly written as the author. Your book, or article or journal, etc is out. You can't help it but be proud of yourself at this achievement. Well weeks later you saw this same work, replicated in the exact same way as yours with no reference to you as the author😱. Yesss, what you are feeling now is indescriable. That's a summary of plagiarism.

Plagiarism simply put is the act of passing off someone else's work as your own, it could be a blog, post, book, idea, article, etc. Not properly referencing the work to the person that wrote it from initial, directly or not.

Types of Plagiarism

There are divers form of plagiarism, but let's consider the most common ones:

1. Complete Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism occurs when one copy's or carries someone else's work or writing and credit it with their names.

2. Direct Plagiarism
This is similar to complete plagiarism, it is also copying someone else's work without references to the author. But unlike complete plagiarism that is the entirety of the work , direct plagiarism is quoting or citing some sections, paragraphs or lines without proper citations.

3. Paraphrasing Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism involves one reusing another one's work and changes a few words or phrases.

4. Self-Plagiarism
You're surprised, don't be. You could plagiarize your own work or writing by either reusing same contents from a work you have done years ago or maybe as a professional writer, you reuse same writing for all your clients.

5. Patchwork Plagiarism
Also known as mosaic plagiarism, refers to the cases where plagiarized works are interwoven with the writer's original work

6. Sourced-based Plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism, the writer may cite the sources correctly but their presentation would be misleading.

7. Accidental Plagiarism
This is the type is plagiarism where the writer isn't aware that they are plagiarizing another persons work. For instances, forgetting to cite your work or not correctly citing your work, failing to use quotes on cited materials.

How to avoid Plagiarism on steemit

Here are some ways that would help us avoid or reduce the rate of plagiarism.

1. Use Proper citations on your work: Give credit to whom credit us due is the golden rule. Use (" ") quotation marks on the sections or paragraphs you copied with the authors name along sides.

"An oral presentation is more than just reading a paper or set of slides to an audience. How you deliver your presentation is at least as important in effectively communicating your message as what you say. Use these guidelines to learn simple tools that help you prepare and present an effective presentation, and design PowerPoint slides that support and enhance your talk.Source

2. Write confidently in your own style: When you use your own way of writing i.e your own language, your method of delivery, your sense of humor etc, it distinct your work. Steemit platform appreciates originality. Just do you, share your thoughts, things you've learnt over time, experiences, jokes, poems etc in your own way. Be unique

3. Use a Plagiarism Checker: Because there's a wide range of writings and works out there that are similar since we write on popular topics, we could plagiarize someone else's work without knowing (accidentally). Well you can make use of an online plagiarism detector software such as grammarly, turnitin etc to check.

4. Reference Sections: In this section of your work, you write links to websites, books titles with authors, editions, and year of publishing, you write articles name, authors, year also. You basically write all your sources of citations. This helps give proper credit to the original authors.

For what its worth, originality or proper citations and credits given to original authors make you an authentic writer/author.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them
Thank you so much for reading through, I sincerely appreciate your time!

Cc - @cryptokannon, @goodybest, @solexybaba.

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