Unique Indicator

in hive-172186 •  last year 

When was the last time you tried to do something? It doesn't matter what it was. It could be anything.

Maybe it was sports. Or trying to start a blog about zodiac signs. Or aiming to buy low and sell high. Or crafting.

When you gave up on your endeavor, did you realize that something went wrong?

The reason? Low mood? Lack of progress? Heartburn? Life circumstances? Procrastination? Lack of time?

That's not it. There are two exciting and well-known individuals who described their achievements with one concept - "focus". They are Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

And "focus" is not magic. "Focus" means making your endeavor the main goal in everyday life. The same goal as eating and going to the bathroom.

You need to focus on what you want. After all, you probably know how to achieve your goals. You also know what to do. But you just don't do it.

And to make progress, focus on your endeavor. Don't consider it as optional tasks during the day. Make it the most important thing.

If you want, wake up at five am and work on it before work. Or after work. Or sacrifice an hour of sleep, but do it. The goal should be a priority.

Next, over time, this approach will bring results. And what exactly - you will tell yourself when the time comes.

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