Some Dangers From Pandemic Fatigue

in hive-172186 •  last year 

After, close to two years, it should surprise no one, many are, at the least, tired of this horrendous pandemic, or even, far - more, fatigued, and sick - and- tired of it, and the impact on our lives! However, this should not, and cannot justify, the utter - disregard of some, in terms of respecting the greater good, and abiding by basic, common sense, public health, protective measures! How did this become another, political issue, with so many, apparently putting their personal/ political interests and agenda, first? How many more must get infected, hospitalized, put others, at - risk, and/ or die? Many seniors have lost their battle, as have the immune - compromised, and we still do not know all the potential longer - term ramifications and impacts! Why does this nation, despite its efforts and spending, have, among, the lowest vaccination rates, in the world, among first - tier, developed nations? Everyone is tired of this, and would like, a return to normal, but, the efforts of a minority, harms our overall efforts, and the potential to optimize our efforts! With that in mind,this article will attempt to briefly examine and review this, and why, we must do better.

  1. Conspiracy theories: For some reasons, some prefer to believe unfounded, opinions, and accept them, instead of facts. It began with denials, transformed to accusations, and created harmful resistance. Is there anyone, who has not witnessed or experienced the loss of someone close? While, everyone is entitled to an opinion of their own, they are not, to their own set of facts. It is one thing if your actions only harmed you, but quite - another, when it puts others,at - risk!

  2. Politics: Why has this become political, like so many, apparently, common sense, issues, have? There is a huge difference between a viable solution,and well - considered, plan, as opposed to blaming and complaining, denials, and stubbornness!

  3. Data and science matter: Mike Bloomberg likes to say, "In God We Trust. All others, bring data,." History shows, it takes a science - based, plan, endorsed and supported by public health, medical, and scientific personnel and experts, to create a meaningful, fact - based, efforts.

  4. Mandate resistance: Although we have seen public health mandates, in the past, it seems we are experiencing the most polarized nation, in recent memory! Just because one doesn't agree, does not mean, he knows more than the experts!

Either, we proceed, in a more unified manner, or we prolong the horrors. Wake up, America, before many others, lose this battle! It's up to, each of us!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of article.

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