in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone, just want to believe you are all doing well. I am here once more to do my work on Achievement 4 which is applying markdown.

Markdown can be described as a lightweight markup language that one can use to add a format to plain text documents thereby making your work more organised and beautiful.

Markdown is not like the format we use in Microsoft Word where you have to apply format and see the effect right away. But in markdown, one have to create a Markdown-formatted file, then add syntax to the text to differentiate the words and phrases.

Examples of Markdown


You have to add a number sign before a phrase or word e.g. (# heading #). The number sign should correspond to the heading level that is





The more number sign # u add, the lesser the topic will be but it will remain bold.

To apply bold, you simply need to add double asterics () before and after the word or group of words you want to make bold, there should be no space before and after the text. Example (bold**) it will make your text to be dark and bold.

Italics make ur text slant and different from other text. To italicize your text, just add one asterics before and after the word or group of words you wish to italicize. For example (Italics) there should be no space before and after the text word.

Table is used to arrange your words in orderly form. To arrange your work in table form you will type. For example


Text Justify
To justify your text, you add the text justify sign at the beginning and as the first thing before your write up [

and this at end
It will arrange your work and made them be on the same margin both left and right. To get this, there must be a space between the code and the write up. Then for the last code, whether there is space or not, the text justify will still apply. Example

Disrespect has been the conspicuous character of man. This attitude started even in ancient times. But not only humans are disrespected by also the most high

Center Headings
Center headings is used to bold and put your sub headings in the center of your work. For example, I want to write Introduction


Bullets and Numbering
This is used to number your text in an orderly form. To apply this, simply do type asterics and space..

  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five

Picture Alignment

This is used to align or adjust your picture to form in line with your work. To achieve this, you need to type this sign


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Hello. The goal in this achievement is to make a post applying different styles of markdown, not to make a post about codes and explanations. Please do the post about any topic and just apply the markdowns to be verified.