Achievement 5 Task 1 by @mofizrock || Review

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

It's a great experience to review and working on my Achievement 5.1. I am Md Mofiz here to complete this task 1.


Check reward summary

Explain how to check reward summery for all the time, last 30 days and 7 days for your account?

  • I login my account.After that multiple Steem block chain tools appeared.I searched steemitworld on my browser then I have seen the Sign in option of my account.

  • I clicked on sign in option and insert my Private Posting keys to explore more inside the functions of

  • Afterwards, I clicked on Dashboard then new page appeared where all the options which are important to consider.

The section of reward summary is categorized in 6 columns which are on Curation SP, Author SP, Beneficiary SP, Steem , SBD and Total SBD's .Which shows the complete information about reward summary of our account.



Please explain Delegations, It's types and how to delegate SP

Delegations mean that, We transfer our steem Power (SP) to others community for supporting them or an steemit users to post and comment.


There are basically two types of Delegations.

  • Incoming Delegations
  • Out going Delegations

Incoming Delegations

These are those Delegations which we received from steemit user, friends, and community too to support us for posting on steemit.

Outgoing Delegations

These are those one, we delegate to others steemit users and communities to grow thier accounts. I haven't yet delegate, I am working hard to be active on steemit and strong my account first,I recently started to power up and will surely delegate at right time.

How to Delegate SP

For delegate our SP to Steemit community or user , Firstly, we will click on delegate option.


Then, this option block will appear. Which shows multiple options which are necessary required to fill and delegate desired amount to the community or steemit user respectively.


Incoming or Outgoing votes

Please check Incoming and outgoing votes and share both screenshots of your account?

In steemworld page i clicked on the icon of Stats. It shows clearly both Incoming and outgoing summary of votes at the right down side. I am also going to share screenshots of them.



Account Operation

How to check account Operation for 7 days and what will details can be checked?

Below the reward summary, Account Operation icon is showing. Through this we can check of needed required date and time to check Incoming and outgoing votes, comments and replies too etc.


Here is completed detail of Incoming and outgoing votes etc


Author, Curation & Beneficiary Reward

Please explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Reward, also share author and Curation rewards of 7 days of your account?

Author Reward

You will get this rewards, when your post will posted and appreciated from others successfully. This is big achievement this is called author reward.


Curation Reward

This reward you will get, when we upvote or give appreciate to others posts through voting, commenting , give SP , SBD in form of thier motivation then we will get Curation reward .


Beneficiary Reward

This reward is set by author while he was posting in an community. He set percentage accordingly to requirements of community like 10% or 20%. Foe this purpose we have to go in advance settings and set the beneficiary.


Checked upvote Value

How to check your upvote value and at different voting weight using tools?

When we sign in our account. Then firstly we show options in an icon. Which shows clearly up to dating upvote value. Beside that, we can see the weight age of our vote for using different tags.


That's all for this important achievement task. Thanks for reading.

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Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 5.1 post. Now you are eligible for performing your next achievement task.



Hi, @mofizrock,

Your post has been supported by @wilmer1988 from the Steem Greeter Team.