Plagiarism is an act of copyrighting. It can also be seen as an act of converting or the presentation of another person's project, idea, thoughts, script, or work as your own when you're not rightfully the brain behind such work or project per say.
There are numerous types of plagiarism, but for the course of this writing, my focus will be on the top listed types of plagiarism
- Complete plagiarism
- Source based plagiarism
- Direct plagiarism
- Self or auto plagiarism
- Paraphrasing plagiarism
1. Complete plagiarism: This is the act of copying someone's project, script, or written work word to word (same words with the original copy) by someone else
2. Source based plagiarism: Source means a place, person, or site where informations are gotten. If a researcher uses two sources to get his informations, and references only one it is called source based plagiarism
3. Direct plagiarism: It is the act of copying someone's work word to word without citation or attribution. This plagiarism is often mistaken for complete plagiarism, but the difference is that direct plagiarism talks on a particular part of the work. While complete plagiarism talks about the entire work
4. Self or auto plagiarism: This type of plagiarism talks about writers or authors who copy their past or previous works for the course of the present one without referencing it
5. Paraphrasing plagiarism: This type of plagiarism is very common. It means Rewriting something with minor changes made. It mostly happens during exams, project/script writing, etc.
The following factors are making plagiarism gain ground in the modern world, and they include:
•ICTs and WEB: This is one major plagiarism influencing factor in today's world as it is easily accessible by any individual. Simply put, ICT means information communication technology, and it covers all communication technologies like the internet, cell phones, computer, etc.
•Regulation: These are set rules to help maintain or regulate order. Since there are no set rules and punishment for plagiarism, people frequently abuse it
•Academic Work: There are literally work loads on students in institutions. In other to reduce this work loads, students go into plagiarism. Other factors include teaching factors, pride, pressure, etc
With the above explanation, it is well understood that plagiarism is an act of theft and should be avoided. The following are ways of avoiding plagiarism:
1. ALWAYS SITE YOUR SOURCE: When using someone's project, or whatever for yours, always add citation to it
2. ALWAYS INCLUDE QUOTATIONS: Using quotation marks with citations in your work shows that a statement is not yours
3. PRESENTING YOUR OWN IDEA: Instead of making use of citations and quotation marks, it's advisable you present and make use of your own idea
Steemit is a social media community that rewards it's users known as steemians with steem in accordance to the value of knowledge of excitement embedded in a written blog or post. Due to the tools set aside by the community used in the assessment and removal of plagiarism from the system, plagiarism is very difficult to happen.
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