Achievement 1 (My Introduction Post) By @mrys

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Salam kenal semuanya teman-teman steemians, ini merupakan kali pertama bagi saya memposting di platform steemit. Semoga kita semua dalam keadaan baik dan sehat selalu dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Saya sangat senang bisa bergabung dan mengenal banyak orang dari platform Steemit ini.


Sebelumnya izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Youra Setyawan, tinggal di Darussalam-Banda Aceh, pekerjaan saya freelance , hoby Traveling dan motto saya ialah "Jika orang lain bisa, maka saya pun juga bisa".
Saya adalah Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir di Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro. Dan saat ini sedaang mengerjakan/menyusun tugas akhir agar segera melepas gelar mahasiswa menjadi alumni 😀.


Saya bergabung disini karena mendapat saran dari teman-teman @mudajuli @sandiputra @mdj25 mereka yang telah memberitahukan kepada saya bagaimana belajar dan memperoleh sesuatu dari platform steemit ini.
Sekian dari perkenalan saya, semoga kita semua dapat berbagi pengalaman serta cerita menarik lainnya.

Salam @mrys

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Hello @mrys,

🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸Welcome to Steemit🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
Check out @cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program and complete these achievement assignments for a great start on Steemit. You can learn how Steemit functions and what other resources are accessible to you by doing so.

Steemit is blockchain-based blogging and social networking site that pays users in STEEM cryptocurrency for posting and curating material. Do participate by making posts, commenting on other users' posts, and voting on others' posts.

Aside from the Newcomers' Community, you should go at the List of Steemit Communities Categorized by Their Subjects and find a community that is a good fit for you.

Remember to follow @steemitblog for the most recent updates.

Best regards,

Note: Please make sure you have attached a photo of yourself holding a paper mentioning your user name and joining date. Also, make sure you have the "achievement1" & a tag of your country name for quick approval of your achievement1 task. Your country name tag is a must on all your tasks. For more details check the notice board.

Good, thank you, ask for guidance and direction..

Welcome to the world of Steem!

If you want to get started right away, the following community could be of interest to you:

You are also invited to take part in my daily delegation draws.
There are 100 and more SteemPower to be won every day.
100 SP can make the start much easier for newcomers in particular.
Here is the link to the current raffle:

I wish you a great time on our blockchain!

Steem on!

Yours @kryptodenno

Good, thank you, ask for guidance and direction..

Hello @mrys,

🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸Welcome to Steemit🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸

Check out @cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program and complete these achievement assignments for a great start on Steemit. You can learn how Steemit functions and what other resources are accessible to you by doing so.

Steemit is blockchain-based blogging and social networking site that pays users in STEEM cryptocurrency for posting and curating material. Do participate by making posts, commenting on other users' posts, and voting on others' posts.

Aside from the Newcomers' Community, you should go at the List of Steemit Communities Categorized by Their Subjects and find a community that is a good fit for you.

Remember to follow @steemitblog for the most recent updates.

Best regards,

Note: Please make sure you have attached a photo of yourself holding a paper mentioning your user name and joining date. Also, make sure you have the "achievement1" & a tag of your country name for quick approval of your achievement1 task. Your country name tag is a must on all your tasks. For more details check the notice board.

Good, thank you, ask for guidance and direction.

Dear @mrys, selamat datang dan selamat bergabung di Steemit, kami sangat senang melihat Anda disini, kami akan membimbing dan membantu anda untuk tumbuh dan berkembang di Steemit.

Silakan kunjungi @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terkini tentang kontes dan lainnya.

Silakan kunjungi link ini untuk mendapatkan info tentang pedoman dalam melanjutkan tugas pencapaian prestasi 2.

Post Anda akan dilakukan verifikasi dan apabila memenuhi syarat akan kami berikan upvote dengan akun komunitas tim penyambut (@steemcurator03) pada setiap hari kamis, apabila post Anda ini telah kadaluarsa, maka upvote akan kami diakumulasikan pada post pencapaian prestasi selanjutnya.

Baik terimakasih mohon bimbingan dan arahanny bg.

Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung bersama kami @mrys. Salam kenal. 😊

Baik terimakasih mohon bimbingan dan arahannya kak.

Mantap, Semangat Anak Muda @mrys

Baik, terimakasih mohon bimbingan dan arahannya mas..

Hi @mrys, Welcome to Steemit!

Nice Introduction Post👌

Steemit is a blockchain-based social media Dapp (decentralized application) that creates communities where users are rewarded for sharing their voice. It's a new kind of attention economy.

To help make your experience more enjoyable, we made a list of useful tips, links, and fun games to play on the Steem Blockchain. Continue Reading..

(And thanks @steemingcurators and @cryptokannon for making the original post)

Do Not Forget To Follow @steemitblog & Twitter(Steemit) To Get The Latest Updates.

Let's Connect👉 @y0gi😁
#india #steemit #steemexclusive

Good, thank you, ask for guidance and direction..

Hai @mrys , senang sekali kamu sudah bergabung bersama kami di steemit.

Ayo lanjut menulis posting blog Achievement 2 tentang Keamanan dasar pada akun steem sambil menunggu antrian verifikasi dari tim Greeter.

Berikut ini saya kirimkan panduannya, tentang apa saja yang kamu kerjakan pada tugas Achievement 2.


Semoga bermanfaat

Salam kenal


Salam kenal kembali pak,
terimakasih mohon bimbingan dan arahannya pak 🙏🏻 🙏🏻