My friend wedding today at ideato South

in hive-172186 •  2 days ago 

This is about my friends wedding at ideato south in Elugwu ogbozu LGA.

It is my Bestie wedding today , and her name is Ugochi .

Ugochi has been my Best Friend since school days and today is her wedding.

Early today I called her to inform her that I won’t make it to her wedding because of one or two things 🥹. And Ugochi was so anger and disappointed because she had been looking forward to share her special day with me.

I call her again she refused to pick up , immediately I sent her message on Whatsapp and she replied me and said bestie please if you didn’t witness my wedding count me out as your friend

So I decided to go because is her special day and I don't want her to feel bad, I resolve my issues and attend the wedding.

I arrived at there house around 9:00am she was very happy to see me with big smile on her face,

Five minutes latter her husband called her inside the room and said to her let us go to church it is almost time and my friend said to him ,

Honey my chief bridesmaid is not here till now and the husband went inside looking at my friend face she is not happy,

I collected her phone and call the lady she didn't answer I decided to call her with my phone she answered and told me that she will not make it by coming again that something came up, I cut the call and my friend ask me what did she say , I explain to her

Few minutes more the drive arrived and was horning , the husband came inside and told the wife that drive is here, come out let us go it is almost time and my friend started crying I now ask her, where is the clothe for the chief bridesmaid then she showed me and I ask her , can I size it ??

She now gave it to me and I removed the one I was wearing and put on the clothes to church after the mass my friend was happy that I did it for her , she smile and hug me with joy and I said to her congratulation today is my first time of doing this am happy that I did it for you .

True friend can work through any obstacle and still come out stronger

Below is the picture of me and my friend .

Then at the reception chai u needed to see 🤣 I eat a lot of food and I came with more ,

honestly my friend and husband was really prepared for this wedding because people eat and eat and there were a lot of drinks to drink

I pray that the good lord will bless ur marriage Amen.

Happy married life dear friend Ugochi

Am inviting @josepha @oneray @radleking@dove11


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