Achievement 2 - Learn the security of the Steemit accountsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steem Greet community and Steemit in general

I'm taking my virtual experience on this great platform, as one who begins to navigate in arenas of knowledge for any specialty, so I follow the good guidance of the teachers @cmp2020, @mariita52 and @cryptokannon; although there are more people of goodwill who offer their good services so that new users have a pleasant and productive start. In this sense, I present my publication called Achievement 2 - Learn the security of the Steemit account.

Imagen de TheDigitalWay en Pixabay

Safety policy at Steem

One of the things that my daughter @flores39 reminded me of when she gave me the steemit account was that I should protect and store the master password and other keys very well, because it is difficult to recover the account, unless some requirements are met, including having the master password or key at hand. So I have been careful to keep this valuable jewel in safe places, in digital and physical.

The security policy of the Blockchain Steem is to protect the account of the affiliates, for this reason the users have a security system that offers levels of unblocking of functions, according to the need or administrative requirement, operative or movements in the wallet. In fact, in case of using the password or some key to perform functions of minor importance, it alerts with a message about the improper use of its password or keys, because there is a specific key for each function or actions to be performed.

Master password and key types

When a Steemit account is registered, the system instantly generates a master password and four keys that represent the perfect shielding for the user to navigate safely in the depths of the Steem ecosystem, without danger of being shipwrecked. I will briefly mention each security instrument following a level of importance or degree with respect to the permissions granted by each one.

Seguridad 1.jpg
Imagen de RosieLea en Pixabay

Master Password

It represents the highest hierarchy, is the general in chief of the entire army of keys and permissions held within the individual Steemit account. It is required when resetting or changing the password and all keys, at a time when the user wants to do so because he considers his account vulnerable or has reason to assume that this information was taken by people not linked to his security kernel.


It is recommended that no one has knowledge of, let alone access to, the master password, other than the account owner.

Owner Key


After the master password, it is the most important key because of its broad spectrum of permission. It is recommended in case of a security reset to all keys and even to itself. In case you have good reason to believe that the security of your account is threatened, or you have been a victim of theft or unauthorized intervention, you have 30 days to request the recovery and control of your account through the platform

Active Key


This key is the captain of your wallet, through this security instrument unlocks the functions to make movements in your wallet, either settlement or collection of rewards, transfers, purchase and sale of Steem and Steem Dollar from the cryptographic market Steem, also gives permission to increase the potential of your account by passing the liquid Steem to Steem Power by the so-called process Power Up or turn on the wallet.

If you need to withdraw your staked assets as Steem Power, you must activate this key to unlock the Power Down feature; the latter will cause you to lose leverage and you will no longer receive increased financial benefits in reward payments. Therefore, turning off your Steem account is not recommended.

Posting Key

This key is one of the most used by the user, it unlocks social functions such as publishing, editing content after publication, as well as commenting and modifying and even deleting comments; another important aspect is the permission to vote content, either positively or negatively.

The importance of this key is remarkable, so it must be protected.

Memo Key


Se creó con la finalidad de desencritar mensajes privados que hayas recibido; sin embargo, no se ha implementado el sistema de mensajería encriptada dentro de la Blockchain Steem; bueno, hasta donde pude investigar.


Having known the importance, permission levels and functions of the master password and other security keys of the Steem account, it is advisable to make a digital and physical backup of these protection tools, keep them in safe places and give them a proper use, following the security policies of the Steem Blockchain. This will keep us away from vulnerable quicksand and problems related to account loss and control.


The author used public domain png files, hosted in the Pixabay image bank. Genuine images taken with iphone 6 mobile phone and modified by @flores39.


Aware that gratitude is the best fertilizer to cultivate an individual or community relationship, I recognize the support provided by the entire Steem Greet Community team, @cmp2020, @mariita52, @cryptokannon and other moderators who have made me feel like the grandfather of the community. They are all extraordinary people, they have a heart of service by birth. @steemitblog and the Steem board could not have made a better selection to make this talented team.

My recognition to @R2cornell for offering me unconditional support and expressing their pleasure for the content I publish. Seeing my publications with substantial messages has filled me with excitement and a desire to create more and better content to share bits and pieces of my happy life and heart.

I could not conclude my thanks without mentioning my beloved children @flores39, @ulisesfl17 and @arac, who have devoted valuable attention and time to making me live in the Blockchain Steem.

Thank you, thank you, thank you forever...


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@steemchiller and @chriddi, I appreciate the support given to this content. This is my fourth publication in Steemit and I am grateful for all the affection received in the Steemit community in general.

Happy day

Gracias a Usted @panflor por habernos explicado tan bien las 4 claves de Steem aqui en la comunidad de Steem Greet ,para mi es de mucha ayuda su publicación y motivadora , ya que tendré que hacer lo mismo creo, también soy un pececillo aun , pero con la ayuda de @mariita ya veo que seremos unas ballenas por los océanos de Steemit cargando Steem power .Felicitaciones amigo , gran logro ¡¡

Saludos @panflor.
Su publicación deja ver un completo entendimiento sobre el uso de la contraseña de Steemit y las cuatro claves. Con respecto a las etiquetas, sugiero que solo coloque a uno de los mentores, todavía tengo el grupo en el logro 2, pero si desea avanzar más rápido y sería aconsejable, (usted es quien conoce su tiempo y circunstancias), elimine mi etiqueta y deje #cmp2020. La etiqueta designa al mentor.
Lo felicito por cumplir el logro 2. Siga publicando en Steemit, leyendo, comentando y votando para fortalecer su red y cuenta. Saludos a su esposa e hijos. Sinceramente. @mariita52

Hasta ahora es que me permite la conexión de internet volver a acceder a la plataforma. He realizado la modificación en las etiquetas como me indicaste, entonces mi maestro oficial es @cmp2020; mentor de lujo. ¡Una broma! Todos son muy serviciales y atentos con los participantes.

Gracias por las orientaciones y por el saludo familiar, recíproco para que lleves un hola y bendiciones a tu linda familia.

Hasta pronto.

¡Gracias! Realmente vamos al ritmo de Internet. Nos mantendremos en contacto. Saludos.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Thank you for your support of this publication.


You have been upvoted by Steem Greeters from STEEM POD Project and we are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit.

Please follow @steemitblog for the latest update and news on steem and @steemingcurators for Steem Community contest and challenges.

Great explanation of steem security. You have passed this Achievement 2 and you are good to go for a task in Achievement 3 here

Thank you for this post! It was very well written. Thank you also to @cryptokannon for providing you with the information for achievement 3. I am sorry that I have been busy for the past couple of days.

Best regards!
Steem Greeter