Achievement Task 3 by @peter121 : CONTENT ETIQUETTES

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)

There are three very important points in this 3rd achievement, which make us want to remember or imply.

1st POINT:

When you enter steemit, the main objective is that the first users who enter are clear about the "brain test". What does it consist of? In that steemit asks you from the beginning for a totally original content that you have created yourself and with that you will be awarded. We remember that steemit is a totally open platform that allows you to publish content that is legal and that is in accordance with the rules or policies that said platform puts you, if your content does not become yours, it is suggested that you place next to the writing or information Where did you get it from, I mean a LINK.
If you got it from several, you extract the LINK and say where you got it from and justify your answer

For instance:
I am going to extract a text from an internet page with a specific topic and then I will place its link, so that it does not look like "plagiarism". It is required that the text is enclosed in quotation marks ("") to identify it

2nd POINT:

New users have to have a basic knowledge of the content they must upload, since they must be of good quality and totally original that is what the public likes of steemit

3rd POINT:

Maintain the protocol content.

In steemit, as you know, they ask you for totally original and quality content. What does that mean? That there must be no plagiarism of any kind.

What is plagiarism?

It is copying and pasting work or content of another person and benefit from that, without giving any benefit to the person who did it, it is something delicate because you are using the work and words of another person, that is why there are the rules of this platform so that there is no error or problem. The five most frequent types of plagiarism that are seen:

Types of plagarism

  1. Cloning:
    This is a very common one because it is copying words by words the work of another person and presenting it in case of his own and when comparing the works they have a very somewhat similar percentage.

  2. Mosaic:
    It is the copy of multiple sources that are perfectly fine as if they were from the same paragraph

  3. Copy and paste:
    Copy a single text from a single source.

  4. Remix:
    It is using material from some sources and paraphrasing it.

  5. Search and replace:
    Change one or another key phrase of the text, but leaving most of the text like this on the page.

what is Citation?

The word citation is the way you tell your readers that the written material in your work came from some kind of another source. It also gives your readers the detailed importance to find themain place details of that source on the reference or Works Cited page.A citation must comprise a set of a punctuation mark used to enclose information. Without a set of a punctuation mark used to enclose information, one does not have an exact in-text citation and can risk being demanded with plagiarism.

Example :

How to add source link or image source to a post:[source content](the url you copied the source from)

How to refercence Short Quotes on steemit:

"Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been." - Alan Alda Quote

when referencing a quote this ">" come first before your qoute ,the moements its citied that simply implifies its a citied quote.

I have read and understood the Steemit protocol of the Steemit Community and I will try to comply with it to the best of my ability

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Give an example of citation by using a sentence or phrase not of your authorship , and give its link from where you have taken it.

can you pls chk it now @sumit71428

can you pls chk it now @sumit71428

Hi @peter121

Congratulations, your achievement 3 is verified.

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