ACHIEVEMENT 3 BY @peter787 Task:: Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)


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Hello steemains, how is going at your different locations, hope all is working very good, i'm back here again to update us with my achievements 3 which is Content Etiquette.


Plagiarism is a prociding or an activity in which someone uses or thieves other else information, information or words with out the right assent of the supply or approval to, with the declairs of his/her very own authentic ideal.



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There many types of plagiarism but am gonna be listing only this four Which is👇

  • A Direct Plagiarism
  • B Overall Plagiarism
  • C Personal/Author Plagiarism
  • D Mosaic Plagiarism

Direct Plagiarism
Direct Plagiarism is an act in which one copy's one passage for word-to-word with none source or supply of citation,

Overall Plagiarism
Overall Plagiarism is the act of providing a whole textual content or ideals which has been created through someone else as one's private personal or work.

Personal / Author Plagiarism
This is the act of recreating or use of part word or passage of the author's preceding published work or content.

Mosaic Plagiarism
This the act of mixing phrases, beliefs copied from distinctive sources to make up their content in absence of right citation.


  • Whenever I Summarise or quote, I need to quote the source.

  • Use of my very own phrases each time I need to specific an information or beliefs that I discovered on a source.

  • Use of quotations each time I want to consist of a selected sentence copied from a source.


  • Fear of failure

  • Desire and ambition of right rewards

  • Procrastination

  • Smartness (Not been caught)

plagiarism when committed, due to the fact that it's being as a fraud or crook acts can harm one's recognition and may threat one into the holes of failure.


"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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