5 types of markdown
At risk of sounding like a Luddite, I am taken aback because a whole new scripting language has been created for the web, and I had no idea that it existed. Of course, I am enjoying using Markdown. It seems like a natural language in some ways, so it is easy to understand and play with.
Image made by @rasbas with Adobe Spark
For this post, I want to talk about one of the Steemians that I follow, @adetorrent, who posts many videos on dTube. I have been learning about Crypto from him. In one of his recent videos, he talks about "The Most Dangerous Thing About Crypto." It is a warning video about being cautious about minding your crypto Wallet. He reminds us that:
With Cryptocurrencies, you take control of your finances from the bank. And free yourself from government control. If you are a victim of theft, when your money is gone, it's gone.
Here is one of Ade's recent videos:
He also talks about the importance of Key Management. We can all imagine that without centralized authority, lost keys mean lost funds. This is one area that sometimes people run into problems.
Image by Alexander Supertramp Shutterstock